12-20-2010: Aftermath


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Summary: Whilst looking at the aftermath of the hunter attack, Julian, Chloe and Zoya chat for a while.

Date: 12-20-2010

Log Title: Aftermath

Rating: PG-13

NYC - Greenwich Village

The lower West Side of Manhattan is known as the Bohemian Greenwich Village or just The Village. Unlike most of Manhattan, the streets here are not in the usual gird that the rest of the island is. Most the streets here are named rather than numbered as well. The buildings here aren't as tall as high rises of Manhattan as they are the 19th century row houses and occasional one-family walk up apartments.

Players: Julian (OOC), Kisha (IC), Zoya (IC)

A few days after the incident in Mutant Town it occured to Kisha that she'd dropped something. And where might she have dropped it? While sneaking out through the storm drains…. Joy. Of course to anyone else she's just a short skinny girl climbing out from an access panel she's probably not supposed to have been exploring clutching a weird looking doohicky. "Where the… This isn't where that tunnel was supposed to lead," she mutters. "Next time I'm getting myself an official city map to the sewers even if it means breaking into city hall…."

Zoya just so happens to be on the lookout for strange or unexpected things lately. Hunting down the residual human after the attack, specifically. Someone climbing out of an access panel, that sort of thing is unusual enough. That it's a girl barely topping five feet, even more so. Of course, this specimen is one that she recognizes. Someone who might actually be pushing the lines of being an ally. Running to the edge of one of the lower buildings she catches the top of a lamp post, making it look effortless as she slides down to the sidewalk and keeps on walking as though nothing were amiss. It's enough to weird out most of the pedestrians, though at least one person tries to take pictures and comes up way too slow. To Kisha she goes, actually looking to be in better cheer today. "Fun is over, do not have to hide in there any longer."

Julian had been about Manhattan today, figured he would go see the damage from the recent attack, and even if he couldn't get too close to see it all, he saw enough for him to get on edge. The X-Force member hardly even noticed the girl exiting from the access panel. He recognizes the student and approaches her. "Hey, you know, most people tend to take sidewalks." He says in a sarcastic tone, then looking to Zoya, not sure what to make of her. Her actions aren't really that unusual to him, but when you live in a mutant school, you tend to get desensitized to that kind of thing.

Kisha glances at herself, sniffs her t-shirt and shrugs. "I haven't been down there the entire time you know," she replies in English for the benefit of Julian. "I dropped something the other night and went to collect it. Broken I admit, but it's going to be faster to find and repair the damn piece of scrap than it'd be to build a new micro-arcwelder from scratch." She tucks it into her belt and rubs at her arms. "For the record I'd also add that just because someone isn't running about ripping off fire escapes it doesn't mean they're hiding."

Zoya looks almost proud with the mention of ripping fire escapes apart, though it's entirely short-lived as her attention turns instead to the unfamiliar addition to the simple conversation. Julian is given the full up and down examination as she tries to categorize him. "Someone you know?" she asks Kisha without the benefit of eye contact for the inquiry. Right now she's more interested in keeping both eyes on the Other Guy. The feeling is entirely mutual.

The telekinetic smiles a bit as Kisha makes her statement for the record. "Right on. Just hope it wasn't too dank in there." Returning the look of inquiry to Zoya, not necessarily liking being analyzed or whatever she's doing. "Can I help you?" He asks, a little more cordial than he used to be. He's not planning on getting loud right here, but he's not entirely without his defenses.

« I suppose you could call him a teacher at my school? Although I must admit I'm unfamiliar with which specific subjects he teaches. » Kisha says in Russian, while glancing at her boots. "A little? And before you ask in an official capacity all I did was radio various people to try give them information about how to escape. Masons security staff and the like. A bit of a shame he didn't splash out on former military staff as they might have stuck around long enough to be helpful."

Zoya considers the situation for a moment. She can't verify that this teacher of sorts is mutant or not, but it rather seems like he is. Also, Kisha's response gives her the idea that maybe this guy isn't one hundred percent on the same track as they are. Julian earns himself a 'neutral' peg, effectively on probation in her mind until she can verify that he is one of the superior species. For the moment her attitude changes in a flash, offering a light smile back to the male of the trio. "Do not tink have seen you before, is all." May as well attempt to confirm one of the two suspicions, switching back to her native tongue to ask Kisha «Is he one of us?» This time she gets eye contact alongside the question.

Julian of course, doesn't speak Russian, but with the change of demeanor makes it more comfy for the telekinetic. "I'm Julian." He says, offering up a hand in greeting. He's definitely the square peg in this situation, and he's soon feeling out of place. May decide to cut his loses and get on with his business.

Kisha digs out her school phone, hunts through the pre-installed numbers and taps out a quick text message. It reads Mr Keller she is asking if you're a mutant or not. « Someones genetic status is really for them to reveal, don't you think? » "Have any of the staff heard anything about the incident? SHIELD seem to have been all over the place and no doubt someone on the school board has heard a rumour or two."

Zoya tries to look casual about it, at least. «I like to know who I can trust.» Not that trust is automatically gained with such knowledge, but it's certainly a step towards having it. Though the matter is quickly set aside, accepting Julian's greeting. "Zoya. Been here long?"

Julian pops back a message to Kisha. 'I am not afraid of admitting it.' He replies back. The telekinetic looks to Zoya and nods. "Almost seven years now." The thing about Julian is that he's mostly informed of things in Mutant town, since it also affects the school. "We know about it." He says, though he doesn't mention much about the school, not knowing about Zoya. "Those SHIELD guys know their stuff."

"Obviously not as much as they claim or else they'd have stopped it before it happened," Kisha notes, tucking her phone away. "I thought it polite to ask first." She flicks languages with a smile « He is and says he doesn't mind people knowing. Oh and he's probably near the top end of the 'able to destroy things without lifting a finger' scale. » "They're probably very embarrassed about dropping the ball so badly."

Zoya offers back "Is while. Have not been here long, myself." She doesn't worry about the school matter, right now her interest are more fixing upon the recent incidents and what's being said about SHIELD. "Do either of you know who the soldiers were that night? Do not tink was SHIELD but would be surprised if they had called in actual military." There isn't an outward response to the words spoken back in her primary language though going by the change of expression things are a lot more comfortable than they were a moment ago. Not only do they all share something important in common but this Julian guy is apparently quite talented as well. These are all good things to know.

"Well, they can't be everywhere, but that's a major cop-out answer. If I had dropped the ball like that, I sure would be embarrassed." Julian says to the others. The mood is definitely more at ease, doesn't seem like he needs to be concerned with Zoya. "But of course, they'd never admit to a thing. Cause then it makes them seem weak."

"Better strong and stupid than smart and weak huh?" Kisha notes, then laughs. "Sorry read the line in a book while I was waiting for Masons concert to begin. Even a book without sci-fi was better than /listening/ to the godawful stuff they played. It was almost to the point where I'd have welcomed people opening fire simply to cut the noise off. But then I suppose people do say be careful what you wish for…" She frowns and pulls out a totally different phone. "Some of the footage shows Magneto talking about a 'game'. Which implies it was a competition rather than a single group, especially as it seems some of the groups involved used counter-intuitive tactics."

Zoya dryly adds in "So was not just me" when Kisha talks about the music that was being played that evening. Once again there's a lot to be learned by listening, in this case what the other femme has to add to the conversation. It's enough for her to forget her own former question, at least for the time being. "More than one all tryink for same tink at once? Had to have been organized somehow, wonder who was behind it." And where they could be found… "Music was bad but do not tink was worth havink automatic weapons unloadink on us. Someone involved has to have large budget, no?"

"Yeah, it wasn't my scene at all. I don't listen to that…'music'. But something tells me I could have at least helped if I'd have been there." He offers up, but he's not dwelling on it. Julian hasn't been doing much in research on it, but that's not to say he's not interested in finding out some stuff. "Or someone with one backing them." He says in response to Zoya's question.

Kisha nods. "The trick with automatic gunfire? It's best appreciated inside a small bunker hidden from sight," she offers. "Backing seems likely. Maybe even from several sources if the groups aren't all working together. I'd put good money on Magneto knowing who was behind it all. If nothing else the lack of major property damage since then seems to imply he hasn't gone out chasing anyone."

Zoya once more keeps her true thoughts on the matter to herself. If Magneto has any idea who's behind it then why not go find him and ask? Maybe that's something she can do on her own. Would be fitting justice to turn the groups on each other, but also less fun for her overall. "Once more information gets out tinks will get ugly," she thinks out loud. "Are many people who will not stand for dis. Wonder if city can keep from fallink apart when happens."

Julian gives a nod. "I'd guess that he knows something as well. And I agree, it will get ugly. Just need to know where and when." The telekinetic's phone rings and he excuses himself. "I need to take this, you two take it easy." He offers up before answering the phone and heading towards a low-noise spot.

"And stay as far away as possible from it," Kisha states firmly, crossing her arms. "It was nice meeting you Mr Keller." And with that she swaps language again « I got some remarkable footage of your ability in action. I'd burn it to dvd for you but I left my computer back in my room. Machine pistols huh? I'd never have guessed. »

Zoya gives Julian a slight wave for his departure, her thoughts once more shifting gears along with the spoken language. Back to you she gets an impish looking grin about her, «Like that, did you? Sure gave the rest of them something to think about, wish I could have stayed longer and shown those army boys a trick or four. As for the guns, I like to keep my options open. Not many things out there that will want to mess with you when both of them are going off.»

Kisha nods and smiles. « I had no strong emotional opinions either way. But it /did/ reduce the number of people getting hurt and thus aid with my objective for being there. If I had been made aware of just how serious they were going to be I'd have pushed for a much larger budget for my toys. Alas I was expecting one or two small groups, not waves upon waves of them. »

Zoya frowns a bit at that, folding her arms together in front of herself. «I want to know who all was behind this. If they keep organizing groups like this, funded as well as they are, sooner or later they're going to get smart. We don't all have fighting skill, barely any of us know a thing about tactics. Even with our gifts we could get mowed down if they were determined enough. This has to stop before it gets even further out of hand. At least I'm a bit more prepared after dealing with them that time.» Next time she can bring a chaingun to the party. «It was a nice job with the stage and audio, thanks for the help.» Helped keep her in one piece -and- on top of the opposition. Yep, you're looking to be a good ally, already.

« Parlour tricks and nothing more. But then my abilities aren't directly applicable in situations like that, » Kisha says modestly, stepping to the edge of the sidewalk so fewer people have to endure walking past her less than rosey smelling self. « Magneto talked about the game being over. I'd suspect that means he's hit the people behind it already. But from what I noticed they were definately not stupid, they had effective tactics and probably supporters within the police. If we hadn't expected them there would have been almost no survivors.»

Zoya saves the question as to who tipped off the mutants for later, that's probably best taken up with Bruce. «What is it that you do, anyway? You seem to have an understanding of electronics but I haven't been able to determine what your real power is,» she asks up front. Then, once more looking a bit irked, adds «He may have gone after them but I still feel like they aren't over with yet. No one gives up that easily after putting this much into it. Some proper shaking down might be in order.» Heck, if she has to bust up one of the cop shops herself she'd be up for it.

Kisha chews her lip, mulling over the question. « Long story short I can understand any device, machine or gadget from the stone age up. Takes a little while to get going and I do best with things I've invested a lot of time and effort into. But it comes in handy from time to time, like when I need to learn how to set up pyrotechnics on short notice. »

Zoya hmms softly, a thoughtful tone and expression taking over. «Well now, this is good to know. Listen, if I were to bring in a couple of souveniers from last night, would you be able to look them over for me and see if anything needs fixing or improving upon?» The thought of having an assault rifle with some optics and a suppressor involved is certainly on her mind, what a way to expand her capabilities around here.

« That would depend entirely upon what they were… » Kisha says glancing around nervously. « You might not want me to see them if they are not legal. I am likely to encounter at least one telepath during my normal day to day routine. There is also the small matter of carrying out work at school. Other students may report… suspicious devices. » She makes a pointed glance at where Zoya keeps her machine pistols.

Zoya makes a small sound out of the corner of her mouth. Setback. «Very well, I wouldn't want to cause unnecessary trouble for you.» Would suck to lose you as an ally, after all. «I will save such moments for borrowed cellphones and the like,» she states with just a touch of emphasis on 'borrowed.' «Hopefully what you have already seen will not be compromised at all, one way or another?»

Kisha waves her hand. « Maybe. But to be fair you've injured far fewer people than Magneto did, » she points out. « If you have a place of residence you could always try the blindfold and transport routine. Alternatively I could give you some hypothetical advice on how to build or modify the parts yourself. If you text my dead drop with a list of things you'd like me to look up then I can do some perfectly legal research into various items. »

Zoya gives it some thought. She doesn't have access to lathes or welding equipment but if she worked on things in a roundabout fashion it could potentially work. She gently nods to that, letting the idea roll around in her thoughts for a bit. «Something might be able to be worked out. I only know so much of these things, myself.» Though the internet is a wonderful resource. «Until then, thanks once more for the intel the other night. Perhaps we will have another opportunity down the road.»

« Perhaps. Although I like to do my work from outside of the line of fire, » Kisha says with a smile, checking each of her pockets to ensure everything is where it should be. « Anyway I need to retrieve my change of clothing from the bathroom of a nearby restroom, spray myself with enough chemicals to blunt the smell and hopefully catch a bus home. It was a pleasure meeting you again, especially as this time no-one ended up dead. »

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