Below are some samples of backgrounds, powers and personality and these are what we are looking for in an application
Robbie Baldwin - Speedball
So… yeah. Springdale, CT. What a wonderful… Boring ASS TOWN. At least, that's how I've always felt. That's where I was born. Mom (Madeline) was a soap star (even working with Mary Jane Watson. Hubba) and dad was a district attorney. Needless to say, we usually had decent things around, but… meh. It was always boring to me. I had my friends but they were even boring.
So I made decent grades in school, but nothing to write home about. Even though the schools did… making sure they KNEW what I was doing… like it was any of their business. Anyway, when High School came around, I wanted to earn a little money for myself, so I didn't have to keep bumming from the rents. Yeah, they both got paid well, but I don't care. There's a difference in money they give and money I make. This way, the money is MINE.
So yeah, I got a job working with Hammond Labs. I was a lab assistant. No, not a lab rat… well, not intentionally. They were trying to better understand energy movement and things of that nature. I never truly understood it. While I was cleaning up a few things in a lab with one prof and his cat, things got a little hairy.
That's when the explosion struck and everything changed. I HAD THE POWAH! Uhm… anyway, yeah. I was caught in the explosion. I don't remember the details, but when I woke up, I was in a strange costume with weird bubbles floating around my body. ROCK! Superhero baby!
So I started trying to learn about my newfound powers and learned that I was nearly impossible to hurt! At least, by anything physical and some certain energies. I decided to dedicate my life… to crime fighting! (Believe me, when I entered the world as Speedball, I could feel my dad's anger a mile away. He hates vigilantes).
The funny thing… that cat? The one that was there in the explosion too? HE got the same powers I did. Niels… the Bouncing Cat. It took me forever to catch him. When I finally did, I adopted him and stuff. He's still around. So, life in Springdale was still kinda boring, but I took what excitement I could.
My mom wanted to go shopping in New York, so I went with her, and that was the biggest break of my life. While we were shopping, a battle was going on overhead with Terrax and some others. I punch the wall and join in after escaping the Mom thing. That was our first meeting. Thrash. Nova. Namorita. Firestar. And… I still can't say it with a straight face. MARVEL BOY.
We worked so well together that we decided to form our own team. The NEW WARRIORS! We were the biggest, best… rockinest… uhm… I'm not so good at this. Anyway, we worked out well. And, I got a job with Damage Control. That kept me in New York more often, but it was still hard to get back and forth from Connecticut when they needed me. I kept having to jump in front of trains. If it weren't for my powers, people would think I'm suicidal or something.
So many things happened. Namorita changed her skin. Mom found out I was Speedball (which was hell. Stupid Force of Nature). DAD found out I was Speedball. (Stupid Asylum creating dark versions of heroes. Stupid Blackball.) And I found out that when my powers are on, I'm not even really human anymore. My body is transformed into pure energy. Thank you, Sphinx for teaching me. Stupid bit…erm… wonderful lady! I even got to bounce against the boobies of the White Queen! No, not really. We just had to fight her and the Hellions.
So we have a lot of fun together, and even save the world a few times. Our numbers change, add new, lose old, but that's the way of teams. That's how it happens. I'm the only one that's always been there. And I'll never totally leave the New Warriors. I'd… I'd like to become an Avenger. But I'll still be a New Warrior, even if.
Now, I'm living in New York, taking a few college classes, and deciding what to do. I… I think I'm going to talk to the Avengers. They refused me before because I was so green. But I've been doing the superhero schtick for like… six years now. Maybe, they can see…
Robyn "Psyche" Larkin
Life never goes how you expect it. And a young woman, a runaway, was doing what she could to survive in New York City and ended up in the career of a call girl, just a fancier prostitute, and one of her clients got her pregnant. There were complications during delivery and after she had the twins she knew she was going to die. The father promised he’d raise the twins as their father and the woman died believing it. Not true to his word, the father put the boys up for adoption, never to hear about them again.
Richard Larkin was a small time musician who was in a small band that would get hired to play weddings and other functions and his wife. Lily, was a children’s book illustrator. They weren’t rich but they were happy, there was just one thing missing from their life, a child. Since they couldn’t have kids, they decided to adopt and ended up with one of the twins, not knowing he had a twin brother. Robyn Seamus Larkin he was named. They were able to raise him in their small two bed room apartment in Williamsburg, an artistic area of Brooklyn, New York.
Robyn was raised to be a creative child and if he liked something, just do it. When he was little play-doh was his favourite thing to play with and as he got older he took any sort of pottery or sculpting classes he could sign up for. Anything he could mold with his two hands, Robyn loved. His adopted parents were happy that they adopted such an artistic child and encouraged him to do what he loved. Around the age of six he learned he was adopted and it took him a while to understand it but once he did it was just a way of life, though a part of him was always curious who his real parents were.
Robyn was one of those kids who walked to the beat of a different drummer and with his parents always encouraging him to be himself. He got picked on a bit at school, didn’t always have the most friends but he was fine with that. He didn’t change who he was for the sake of anyone. He was always the kid that had pretty good grades, mostly B’s some A’s but his art classes is where he excelled, especially with anything and sculpting or pottery. The other thing Robyn got into in middle school and into high school was the cello playing in the school orchestra.
By high school, Robyn was one those ‘goth’ kind of kids. He didn’t try to be, he just enjoyed more macabre things, the Tim Burton type movies, EMB and industrial music, black or stripped clothes, but he wasn’t morbid or depressed and never once did he write bad poetry or cut himself. By this time a lot of his sculpting was strange little figures that had a kind of creepy feel to them, but Robyn liked them and his parents applauded his talent.
By the age of fifteen things got weird for Robyn, he started getting headaches almost daily and they would get bad, to the point where his parents took him to a doctor which couldn’t figure out the problem thus he was sent to a neurologist. After a few tests they determined nothing was wrong and that he was probably prone to headaches and put him on strong medication for the headaches but they never helped. His parents were definitely worried.
Right after his sixteen birthday, his sophomore year of high school, was when things really became serious for Robyn. One day in school, in the middle of his German class, he was suffering one of his headaches. It just became worse and worse until he passed out. When brought to the hospital they found that his brain was still active but he was comatose. Again the tests started and after some blood work and tests it was discovered, Robyn was a mutant, they just didn’t know his powers.
After a few days though, one of the nurses was checking up on him when her bare arm brushed against his bare arm and his eyes flashed open, glowing bright purple. He didn’t mean to but his Psychic Vampirism manifested then and he drained the nurse of her psychic energy casing her to pass out and go comatose for a two days.
The next day a representative showed up from Xavier’s and offered to take him into their school, talking to his parents rather then him at fist. Strangely Richard and Lily were fast to agree with the arrangement. There son being a mutant wasn’t something they signed up for with the adoption and weren’t sure how to handle it. A creative individual normal child yes, but mutant, they’re still trying to adjust.
Robyn was talked to by the representative shortly after and they told him a bit about him being a mutant and about Xavier’s. The next day he was released from the hospital, went home, packed his things, said his awkward good bye to his parents and left for his new school to learn about what he really is.
Jericho "Buff" Mayfair
The early life was fairly basic for Jericho. A family of four children and both parents who stayed together. Of course, his father was a typical southern father, who wanted his boys to grow up to be 'real men' and taught them the 'proper' way to act as one. Unfortunately, that stuck too well in Jeri's head. His life until high school was nothing exceptional… just plain average.
After his fourteenth birthday, things began to change for Jericho. A basketball player in his spare time, he noticed one day that the ball was bouncing a little harder than it should. His body had begun to change, and not in the ways he was expecting. His muscles started enhancing themselves, growing firmer and tighter as well as sticking out a little bit more than average. He began trying things and realized that his strength was amazingly beyond the norm.
The unfortunate part, is that unlike many with such strength, the control of it was not instinctual. He had to practice heavily and fairly constantly in order to keep himself from making huge mistakes. A few were made, but many attributed it to just the standard growing strangeness that many teenagers go through. However, feeling outside of everything he began to separate himself from the others in his class.
This seperation allowed him to observe and view people from a different angle, which gave him the drive to better understand them. During his senior year, he told his family that he had decided on his course of studies for college. He wanted to be a psychiatrist. For the most part, he kept his powers a secret, doing his best to hide in plain sight, since he wasn't an obvious one, even if he did look like a bodybuilder, to an extent.
College went by slowly, but Jeri made good grades. He began to realize more about himself there, coming to terms with his mutancy as well as other things he didn't know. It took years of hard work, both for school and work to help pay for it, but finally, he did graduate with a doctorate in psychiatry, doing both regular classes and summer, to speed things up.
After graduation, his parents gave him a huge gift, an all expense paid trip through Africa. With his doctorate in psychiatry, he thought this would be an excellent chance to see a different culture and understand how they deal with things. It was one of the best things they could have done… or so he thought…
While taking a photo safari, there was an attack on his group. The attack was meant, apparently, to grab him and another person there. A group of mutants wearing body suits and lead by a man who was barking orders to them had both Jericho and one other man on the tour captured and transported to an island nation of the coast of the continent. The island's name was Genosha.
Trapped and unable to find a way out, Jericho was forced into the humiliation that all future mutates suffered. First, he was stripped of his powers by the mutant Wipeout. Second, his head was shaved and he was placed in a numbered body suit, #9977. Then, he began talking with a man known as the Genegineer. There was some kind of trouble brewing and Jeri's conversion treatment was delayed for more important mutants… a Scottish girl and an African woman. He had never heard of either.
All hell broke loose on the island and many of the mutates were freed, though most were left with very little mind with which to call themselves. Jeri, however, still had his mind. Hitching a ride with a teleporter that was heading back to the states, Jeri made it back home, but was unable to explain things to his friends and family without telling them about himself. Preferring not to, he simply chose to avoid his family.
Settling in a small town, he accepted the job of guidance counselor and occasional music teacher substitute at their high school. He had to adjust himself to being normal again. With Wipeout's death, he was unable to regain his powers (As far as he knows. In all actuality, the Genegineer had altered Storm's genetics to be able to restore those who lost their powers to Wipeout with a simple touch of the hand). He worked there, coming to terms with his loss and helping those that weren't a part of the norm to fit in with the rest of the school, until he was offered another job.
A recruiter from Xavier's institute showed him the brochure for the school, not hiding the reason for his interest in Jeri. Jeri explained that he no longer had any abilities, but was more than willing to work with the students. After all, it was his primary focus for his doctorate. The representative also explained that they had the best genetics knowledge through their system and there was the possibility of regaining his powers. With all of that, how could Jeri refuse? Work and a possibility of returning to his normalcy? It was exactly what he needed. At the end of the school year, he packed his bags and headed out.
Aethelwyn "Flora"
In another dimension known as Otherworld, live creatures that are linked to England, Wales, Ireland and Scottland from eons ago. This land has also been called Avalon and several heroes and villains have been through here over the years. This is a land where magic is a party of everyday life. Elves, Dragons, Gods, Trolls and even fairies live here, which is where we start our story, with the fairies.
Aethelwyne was born in Otherworld to fairy parents, Traeliorn and Yaereene, who specialized in flowers and plants. You see some fairies are more of the home others are the elements some are nature but Aethelwyne was flowers. Her education was on flowers and plants, what they needed to grow, to thrive. How to help them grow and the magics that surrounded them. She learned all about magics and various supernatural creatures from trolls, to elves to gods to dragons to red caps and trolls and pookas and the Unseelie Court of fairies. You see there are two types of faires, The Seelie and the Unseelie, the holy and the unholy. You can say they’re the good and bad fairies, but to the fae that’s a blurred line and an unholy fairy can be bad and vise versa.
Aethelwyne was raised with the way of the Seelie court and knowing the code of the fae. She learned that lying was something that the fae did not do, she learned that if asked a question three times, she’d have to answer, and she also learned that helping humans was a sort of way of life. Was it the most important thing in their world, not in the least, but it was something they occasionally did, if always in a subtle and unseen way. So to say the least, Aethelwyne had a very, what we would call, unconventional childhood, for her it was normal.
As a child Aethelwyne’s best friend was a Pooka she grew up with named Finufaranell or Fin for short. Aethel and Fin paled around, played pranks on others and each other and even ventured to Earth’s realm once in a while to help out humans and or just play harmless pranks. When not paling around with Fin and her other friends, Aethel learned everything she could about plants. Learning every aspect of them.
Also with living in Otherworld she learned the history of the lands, what dwells there and about supernatural beings. Everything from Seelie and Unseelie fae, various haunts and spooks such as ghosts and spirits, she learned about magic and music, dance and wine and games, everything a fairy should. Education was just as important as fun and the parties and dances weren’t a seldom thing for Aethelwyne and were at least twice a week. Though the big party and celebration happened every year on June 24, Midsummer’s eve. From morning to night the fairies would party and have quite the celebration.
As the years went by, Aethelwyne stuck to her duties as a flower fairy and came to earths realm to help plants thrive and grow. She found she liked it in that world but when it was time to return she always reluctantly did. That is until she was informed at age 32, which is about 16 for a human, she learned she was to become a fairy godmother. At first she didn’t like the sound of it at all, weren’t they supposed to be….old? It didn’t matter, she was going to be given a child to care for in four years so she better learn now.
Four years went by and she learned about what being a fairy godmother meant. She was to look after the child, give them advice when they needed it, and she was given the power to grant the child –one- gift. It was something she wasn’t looking forward to as it was responsibility, something she wasn’t familiar with. She was told even fairies need some form of responsibility. She also learned various rituals and combination of herbs and flowers to combine in which fairies believed would protect a place.
Through out the time her and Fin were still friends and still paled around and spent time at parties. Being a fairy though, she discovered the fun of the opposite sex and found hanging around with Satyrs at parties could be quite…fun. After all through out all their duties to nature and to humans fairies aimed to have fun at the end of the day and Aethel was no less selfish than the next fairy at finding her fun.
Then the day came when she was give her god child. A newborn by the name of Len and the son of Edward Grayson and Lena Knight. Unfortunately Lena died in childbirth and a week after the baby was born, Athelwyne showed up at the Knights doorstep…actually not really his doorstep she flew down his chimney and formed herself in his living room. She introduced herself as Len’s fairy godmother and it wasn’t until she gave the child her gift that they actually believed. The gift was small and simple but she granted him the ability to never get lost. That he’d always find his way to where he wanted to go.
Over the next six years Athelwyne found that she didn’t only help Len but she also wound up helping his father, Grayson. You see the man was a detective and a wizard and she had knowledge that seemed to help him out on various cases. She became a friend to the family as well and helped him out many times over. She also became the predominant female figure on Len’s life, in place of his mother, and if this is a good or bad thing is yet to be seen. This also lead to a strange desire for Aethelwyne, she found she liked it here, on this human plane. It was fun, exciting and adventurous.
When Aethelwyne was 43 years old (younger in human years), she decided to start helping out humans more, but she always tried to remain unseen. Except for when she had to visit Len, she mainly stayed in England, Ireland, Wales and Scottland. She ended up secretly helping out the British Intelligence Agency MI-13 when she could. Eventually though, she was caught. After a series of questioning and a long line of mental tests and probes and such, Aethelwyne was promoted to help MI-13 when she could as a liaison and/or consultant.
She did this for the next five years and between working with MI-13, being a fairy godmother and assisting the wizard, Grayson, things were going well. She was having fun. She would return to Otherworld less and less over the years, returning maybe once a week to catch a party. Friends and family noticed but then that sometimes happens with faries, they have a short attention span and sometimes find ways to fill it. Even her childhood friend, Fin, had moved on to do his duties.
After one particular mission with MI-13, Aethelwyne was approached by a member of SHIELD and offered a job as a teacher, for a school, in New York City. It sounded fun, exciting and a new experience, also with her godchild being in New York City, Aethelwyne accepted to become the Supernatural teacher at the Barnes Academy.
Personality:Intelligent - Billy is an extremely intelligent young man. His mind is of the level of the genius, and he's not afraid to show it. His parents raised him to respect his own mind and to help others respect their own as well. The mind is nothing to be afraid of and he enjoys using his.
Protective - Billy cannot help but put himself in the line of fire if it will protect others. He does not want to see anyone get hurt if he can do anything about it. Whether or not he knows someone, he fully believes in putting himself in front, because at least he CAN do something about it.
Caring - When Billy lets someone into his heart, be it as a friend or more, he would give anything for them. He's an extremely caring individual who makes sure that his friends and family know what they mean to him, despite his occasional sarcastic outbursts.
Moody - Though it's lessened since he's joined the Young Avengers, Billy has a tendency to be rather moody. He likes solitude and quiet when he's trying to figure things out, and can get a little snappy. He will still go near the Avengers Mansion to just… sit and think and be alone.
Fan-Boy - Sometimes, when one is in the presence of the famous, one simply cannot control oneself. That, is one of Billy's biggest problems. Though he's building a name for himself as a super-hero, he simply cannot put himself on their levels. He tends to get shy and bashful around some of them, and others, just overly talkative.
Sarcastic - At times, especially in the heat of battle or when dealing with angry people, Billy has a tendency to get snarky and sarcastic. He'll snap at people who are doing something stupid and make sure they know. He tries not to do it to his friends, but even they feel his irritation from time to time.
Dunstin is essentially a spoiled rich kid. He’s not a brat though. He’s just used to never having to pay for anything or worry about anything fiscally. He’s never made his own meals, he’s never done his own laundry or cleaned his own room. At the same time, Dunstin isn’t the type to throw a hissy fit if he doesn’t get his way, he’s very lenient. He likes to learn and is open to new things. He’s also very creative and loves to find outputs for it, thus Dungeons and Dragons. He also carries a sadness about his mother passing away, it’s only been about two years so it’s still a bit tender to him, but he’s moved on. He wants to make his father proud and take over the family business one day, because it’s expected. At the same time, right now, he wants to be a kid and have fun. He finds his mutant power new and exciting.
Powers: Locating - Cam has the ability to know exactly where a person or object is, simply by thinking about it. In order to locate a person, he has to know them, or have a picture of them. Psionic shielding will prevent him from finding a person unless they WANT to be found. Those that are psychically sensitive will also feel when he's locating them (people with any mental ability). Objects can be hidden behind a psychic null zone to prevent finding, or by various mystic or scientific means (like psi-baffles and mystic shields). To find an item, he has to know the item or be shown a picture. He can locate objects anywhere around the globe, but he cannot go past the furthest earth distance possible. If he were in space, he could locate objects and people up to an earth away. I know it's odd phrasing, but it's the only way TO phrase it. If he knows the place it is, he can speak it. But often, he may not know the exact location off the top of his head.
Pathfinding - Once he's located a person or an object, Cam can find a path to it. If he focusses, he can alter the path to become a better path in many different ways. He can choose a 'safest' path to find the path with the least potential for danger. Doing so, he may be able to see exactly where to step and how to get across places. If there is no safe path, it'll show bright red in his vision. This is like a limited danger sense, applied ONLY to the movement. He can't see anything behind him, sense attacks, just that there is strong potential in a location (like a minefield would show specific steps to take… but a laser grid would show a bright red path). He can also choose quickest path which may lead him to a teleporting machine or a vehicle (which he will not know how to operate without previous experience). If it led him to a car, he could drive that. If it led him to an airplane… he could not. The pathfinding does not give him any indicator of distance, just of which way/where/etc to go.
Enhanced Senses - All five senses have been enhanced on Quintessa. She can smell things better, even track things via scent. She can smell things like people view colours, in layers. Like if someone was cooking in a kitchen an hour ago, she can smell the layers of the ingredients that went into the food and different scent of the person who left it. Her sense of smell is about as good as a dogs. She can smell things from about a 30 yards away, more if there is wind in her favour. Bad smells might maker her feel sick easier. Tes’s sense of sight is about 20/10 giving her beyond perfect vision. This being said, she’s more susceptible to bright lights and they can temporarily blind her easier. Her sense of hearing is greater than that of a normal person, being able to hear things clearly from about 50 yards away. This being said loud noises bother her hearing along with sonic powers, which do more damage than usual. Her sense of taste is more keen as well, being able to taste food as most people don’t. She can pick out the many different ingredients, sorting the flavours easily. Things with strong flavours she doesn’t like, as a person who puts one packet of sugar in the coffee, it would taste like four to her. Spicy food becomes barely tolerable and bitter foods, like a lemon, would probably cause her to have trouble talking from the ‘extreme sour face’. Lastly her sense of touch is magnified. Fuzzy blankets would be the softest thing in the world where sandpaper would feel like running a finger over broken glass.
Enhanced Agility, Speed and Strength - Quintessa was subject to experiments to enhance her agility speed and strength. She is as agile as an Olympic level gymnast, able to perform complex moves that helped her in combat situations. Her strength isn’t as good as the other GEMs as they focused more on speed and agility. She can lift a maximum of 300lbs, but has the ability to be stronger. Her speed allows her to run at 25mph with out getting tired for a half hour, which also allows her to react a bit faster.
Regeneration - Quintessa regenerate fairly quickly and from serious wounds. Small cuts and bruises will heal in a minute, deep lacerations, five minutes, bullet wounds ten minutes. A broken limb will heal in an hour. A lost finger will regrow in 2 days, a lost arm or leg in 5 days. Organs take about week. She can’t regenerate if nothing is left. Regeneration also makes her highly resistant to toxins and diseases as her body regenerates from their effects quickly. It has to be highly concentrated and hit her for a prolonged period of time to have effect.
Mechanical Intuition (Firearms Only) - Quintessa has an instant understanding of any firearm she’s in front of. She knows how to clean it, take it apart and put it back together in seconds. She knows how to use a firearm to ensure optimal performance and least amount of kick back. She can figure out the balance instantly of any firearm in her hands. This does not enhance her marksmanship just her skill in firing.
Weakness - The Dark. Quintessa has an extreme fear of the dark that will be next to impossible to get over. Being in complete darkness, even being blindfolded, will reduce her to a blubbering mess. She associates the dark with fear and being bad. If she has a flash light, or her little flash light, she will be fine as she has a way to see.
Light Generation - Christopher can produce light taking on any colour of the spectrum. He can focus it to light an area, in to a beam of light, a light shield, and fly. He can fire light beams with up to 40 tons of pressure behind them, his light shields can take up to 40 tons of pressure and he can fly at the speed of up to 100 mph, but when he flies there is a corona of light around him that also trails behind him. His light powers can be any colour he wishes them to be.
Light Constructs - Christopher can create light constructs. His imagination is the limit. If he makes a mallet it hits with 40tons. If he creates a light car he can 'drive' it up to 100mph, his flight speed. His constructs are as durable as his blasts and the largest construct he can create is 25' x 25' x 25'.
Light Armour - Christopher also can create light armour, that is a glowing corona of light around his body, (A glowing light around him) but with his light, that protects up to 40 tons. He can make the light any colour he wishes.
In regards to an application we are not looking for a novel or a complex piece of literature but we would like to know what kind of person and what kind of life your character lead. Everyone has a story in life no matter how simplistic and we would like to know that character’s story.
Some Good Idea’s and Bad Idea’s of an application –
Bad Idea – My character is a normal teenager who likes teenager things.
Good Idea – My character took a passion to playing the flute and spent many years in the school band.
Bad Idea– My character hates the world because he just hates it.
Good Idea – Go into your character’s hardships and reasons why they are they way they are.
Bad Idea – Two people had a baby and My Character was born and they lived a life till My Character got powers.
Good Idea – Go into your character’s life, their struggles and accomplishments. Even at the age of sixteen your character has to have a story.
Bad Idea – My Character is a master martial artist in five types of martial arts, knows four languages, can hack computers, sing really well, play the piano, pick locks and is an Olympic level underwater basket weaver.
Good Idea – Pick a good two to four skills your character is good at depending on their age. Also remember anything that is Olympic level or being a master at something will require much focus and attention and not much room for other skills.
Bad Idea – My character is rich and beautiful and flawless and perfect and loved by everyone!
Good Idea – Incorporating some flaws into your character to make them more human.
Bad Idea – My character can shoot lasers from their eyes, regenerate, has super strength and reflexes, can’t have their mind read, has the power to generate ham and cheese sandwiches and teleport!
Good Idea – Taking one or two powers and going with that. A power like Fire Generation or Telepathy has a lot to it that can be expanded. There is always room for power upgrades and many heroes just have one power.
You can find the application template here application