There are a lot of terms used in Marvel Comics and on Marvel Revolution. Here, we will list some of the important ones. If you feel a word needs to be defined or better explained, please contact a staffer, and they'll add it to the list.
Alien | A being from another planet. Usually, they have abilities or knowledge beyond baseline humans. (Hulkling, Sentry, Ms. Marvel). Some are also Alien Mutants | Ariel, Warlock, Remix |
Altered Human | A human that has been altered by external influences. This can be from a variety of reasons. Many Altered Humans can also be considered Mutates, but not all. | Tony Stark after Extremis Armor, Captain America, Speedball, Fantastic Four |
Android | A human-seeming construct that was not once a human, though has been patterned after one. | Vision, Toro, Super Adaptoid, Victor Mancha |
Cyborg | A being that has been combined with technological parts. Generally, a cyborg cannot function properly without both organic and mechanic parts. | Deathlok, Omega Sentinel, Lady Deathstrike, Donald Pierce |
Human | A baseline person with no special powers or abilities on their own. | This includes techies like Tony Stark, before Extremis Armor, and those who get their powers from mystic gadgets or devices like Juggernaut |
Mutant | A person born with the X-Gene. This gene awakened and granted them powers. Usually, this awakening is either during puberty or during an extremely stressful event. | The X-Men, New Mutants, Hellfire Club |
Mutate | 1) A person whos body has been altered on a genetic level by some external factor, granting them abilities. They do not read as a mutant. | Captain America, Fantastic Four |
Mutate | 2) A mutant who was a Genoshan slave, altered mind and body to serve. These are no longer being created, though many are former Genoshan Mutates. | Formerly: Storm, Wolfsbane, Buff |
Mystic | One capable of using magic. | Dr. Strange, Monsoon, Fetish |
Robot | A created being that may look close to human but usually cannot pass. Most Robots do not want to pass for human either, though there are exceptions. | Ultron, Jocasta |
Superhuman | Anyone with powers above and beyond those of baseline humans. | Aliens with powers. Atlanteans. Mutants. Mutates. |