2009-04-19: Destiny's Diatribe


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Summary: The Doc takes another…

Date: April 19, 2009

Destiny's Diatribe

Rating: R

Missing for a few days, Liam has been kept safe, despite the potential for change where he is. As he starts to awaken, he's in a tube filled with fluid. The fluid drains quickly and the hatch in front opens. A voice comes out, a deep voice, but mildly feminine. "You may remove the wiyahs. You no longer need them." One of the first things that may be noticed by Liam, is that his vision is completely normal. Even as the doctor sits there, smoking. Her movements are clear and sharp. Not at all odd.

Liam is definitely not pleased with this turnout, coughing and hacking for a few seconds before brushing his arm over his mouth and pushing his hair away from his eyes. He tries to look around quickly, taking the usual precautions, but the voice startles him and he recoils, shivering slightly. He isn't even sure what that voice says at first, hands trembling as he moves to do what she says, removing the wires as best he can. The fact that he can properly see doesn't even register at first, and even when it does, his amazement is overridden by his outrage and general fear, "Wh-what's going on?"

"Nothing bad, I can assure you." Oh, one other note. Liam is naked. However, that will be quickly remedied, as a figure covered in black clothing comes towards him carrying towels and a black body suit. "I have simply taken the time to correct a natural mistake. And… hopefully, improved upon it." The Dr. says with a laugh, taking a deep drag of her cigarette.

Liam is still a little too out of it to even respond to the figure in black, just taking the towels with still shaking fingers and rubbing himself down, mostly because he's cold as anything else. He rubs it through his hair, sitting wherever he can sit, even if it means the edge of the tube or the floor, "A natural mistake…? …you fixed my vision." It's finally setting in, the man waving his hand in front of his face and watching the fact that he doesn't /have/ to try and watch it. He flexes his fingers, wiggles them, amazed by it in a way few others besides maybe the blind would be. He blinks rapidly, looking back up to the Doctor and furrowing his brow, "Where am I? Where's Sasha?!" This last comes as some of the shock wears off, the man's head turning so rapidly that, with his new vision, he actually makes himself dizzy and has to brace his hand against the floor. That's right - his helper dog comes everywhere with him and, though he may be unaware of the passage of time, he's aware of the fact that he can't see her.

"Your dog is safe. I promise. I would not injure a helping animal." The Dr. says with a nod. She flicks her ash towards the young man with a chuckle. "Yes. I fixed your vision. And, I'm quite sure there's more to your eyes now than either of us truly realize. I've changed your genetics. I've made you more than you were. There was no natural cure, so I added new DNA to make you normal. Though, a lab test will tell otherwise. Liam now has triple helix DNA.

"You… you /added/ to my DNA?" Liam says, pushing his legs into the bodysuit and then climbing carefully to his feet, bracing his legs and resting a hand on the tube, just in case he's unsteady. He'll finish putting it on once he's upright, zipping it as neatly as he can and folding his arms around him as his eyes shoot around the room, only to focus neatly on that cigarette as the ash floats towards him - and stops. He blinks. His breath catches. He moves forward carefully, swallowing thickly and reaching out towards that fleck of ash, only to blink all over again when it winds up on his hand, the others drifting past him to the ground, "…what the hell?"

"Intriguing." Dr. Destiny says, as the guy is suddenly in a different position. The blackdressed figure retreates only to return leading Sasha. "Now, what was it you just did?" He asks with a grin. The figure carries, in it's other hand, a small box on a belt. "Would you mind wearing this box? It will monitor your condition, just in case there's something unknown affecting you." She tilts her head, trying to look over him. Everything seems normal.

"Wait… just… wait," Liam says, holding his hands up as if to fend the good doctor off, "I… I came in to get looked at, and now I wake up in a fucking tube and I can /stop fucking time/ with my /eyes/. And now. /Now/? You want to tag me like a freaking animal so you can follow my migration patterns?" Liam, admittedly, may sound ungrateful, but even with disabilities, we come to appreciate who we are as people, as complete people, and now he had been altered based on someone else's standards of normal. Not only altered to normal, but beyond normal, abnormal, and now that person wanted to study him. It's all too much at once, frankly, and he's not sure how he feels about it. Seeing Sasha at least seems to ease some of the tension he feels, moving towards her and reaching out to scratch her head and neck.

"No, it's not to track your migratory pattern. It's to make sure that your genetics are stable." Dr. Destiny says with a roll of her eyes. "I'm trying to master my art. You were just another person in need of it. With genetic issues that are given by nature that are not right, I want to correct them. HOwever, I seem to be overcompensating for the issues."

"You didn't even ask me if I wanted to be fixed," Liam says, hugging Sasha around the neck tightly and closing his eyes against the weirdness of smooth vision and the seeming vibrance of the smallest available light sources, stroking her fur to comfort himself more than her, "Your art… another person in need of it. You mean an experiment. Who gives you the right to do that?" He shifts back to his feet, rubbing his forehead with his palm, resigned. Many people with bad sight would embrace it unquestioningly, but Liam, despite his amicable nature, seems deadset on being contrary.

"I didn't need your permission. You were flawed." Dr. Destiny says with a shrug. "The weak prey on the strong. I'm making the weak less so. As for who gives me the right? I give MYSELF the right, with the skill I posess, I make the rules about it." She declares, looking down upon him. "Trust me. You want to wear the belt. The first few experiments ended up in a bad way. The last three have been good, though." She doesn't care how he feels. Obviously.

Liam shakes his head, gripping Sasha's collar tightly as he says, "I'm not a lab rat. I'm - I /was/ - a human being. You don't get to decide who's flawed and who isn't just because you run a freak factory." He presses his palm against his left eye, then pushes his hair away from his face again, "So you just do what you want to people, then collect data so that, some day, you can be happy and perfect?" He takes the belt, but not happily, jerking it away and just studying it for a few seconds. It's weird, the way he examines it, blinking rapidly, like a camera shutter, trying to get used to looking at things in a new way.

The box is nothing more than an advanced heart rate and basic monitor for bodily functions. Ignoring his verbal tirade, Dr. Destiny continues. "If you find superhumans, and you so choose, send me genetic samples. The po box is underneath the lid on the monitor. Also, if there's an emergency, if something changes within you, you may press the button to call me."

"Send you genetic samples of superhumans?" Liam says, cocking an eyebrow in a fashion that says, fairly clearly, 'yeah, don't wait up for that', before he slides the belt on as if he's afraid it's going to bite him. Everything about this screams wrong in his head and he is just too overwhelmed to even be grateful for his renewed ability to see. He keeps rubbing his eyes and blinking overmuch, especially when he turns his head, keeping his arms clasped tightly. He feels strangely violated over all this.

"I would suggest you act as normal for the next little while. You don't want people asking you how things changed, or you'll become a guinea pig for THEM." Dr. Destiny says with a grin as the area begins to flood with a green gas. "You will wake up in your bedroom at home, with Sasha beside you. Have a nice life." She laughs, deeply, putting a mask over her own face.

Liam is an intelligent man. Even disoriented, he's already figured out at least one new thing about his life: he can stop time with his BRAIN. Sort of. He doesn't quite remember how, unfortunately, beyond the fact that he looked at something. So he does it again, focusing intensely on the Doctor until that strange lack of motion sets back in. Touching the ash caused time to refit itself, so the man is careful about edging around physical objects, even sidling away from clouds of the gas as he essentially just walks around the room. He doesn't do anything of particular importance, only doing what he can to remember details, try not to lose this. Unfortunately, while he may have held his breath at first, as much a reaction to the gas as anything else, he isn't yet aware of the fact that breathing equals time restarting. This is why, comparatively a second or two after speaking, the Doctor will likely hear a thump from the other side of the room. Unconscious, just not in the spot he was supposed to be. Zzzz.

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