2020-06-17: Escape Plans Afoot


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Summary: Robyn tells Hunter about an escape attempt for Saturday and Devotion brings in some supplies.

Date: June 17, 2020

Log Title Escape Plans Afoot

Rating: PG

The Future - Salem Center - Mutant Camp

//Off in the distance, the crumbling remains of a school in ruins is stark contrast to the brilliance that once represented Xaviers dream. Now converted into a mutant camp, the surrounding area offers a humbling experience for those familiar with the grounds original purpose. Now best described as an open-air prison yard, tall walls, robot guards, and automated defenses keep depowered mutants inand yet-to-be-caught fugitives out. Oppression is heavy in the air. The sound of laughter and innocent screams replaced with something darker: A non-stop orchestral movement of roving Sentinels, anguished cries, and the shuffling of mutant feet to and from any of the many residential buildings, work sites, or sparse mess halls. //

Off in the distance, the crumbling remains of a school in ruins is stark contrast to the brilliance that once represented Xaviers dream. Now converted into a mutant camp, the surrounding area offers a humbling experience for those familiar with the grounds original purpose. Now best described as an open-air prison yard, tall walls, robot guards, and automated defenses keep depowered mutants inand yet-to-be-caught fugitives out. Oppression is heavy in the air. The sound of laughter and innocent screams replaced with something darker: A non-stop orchestral movement of roving Sentinels, anguished cries, and the shuffling of mutant feet to and from any of the many residential buildings, work sites, or sparse mess halls.

Infiltration before the attack, that's the way Robyn is handling things. He's jumped into the mind of one of the prisoners in the camp and is wondering around. Just because their are power dampeners doesn't mean they can stop his powers from working miles away. He's wondering around in the body of a man in his mid-twenties just kind of watching things, trying to figure out how things work, the guard shifts, the layouts and everything.

The air was thick with despair and the smell of smoke. Out in the open yard of the camp there were several small groups of mutants huddling together, some choosing to be alone. One particular loner was the battle scarred Aussie. He had lived most of his life as such and saw no real reason to change that now. He was simply biding his time before he was carted off toward the work site for the day.

Ah someone alone, that's always good to talk to so the young man walks up to Hunter and gives a nod. "Hey there." He says as he looks out past the fence. "My name is Psyche…I have a favour to ask of you." He says since he's pretty sure he can trust most of the mutants here. "That is, if you want to taste freedom again."

Hunter freezes where he stands, a lone eyebrow quirking up in disbelief. "I'll bite. Not that I think there's an actual chance in hell of it happening." Hunter folds his arms across his chest, gazing intently at the young man. "Hunter." No last name, no friendly greeting for the mutant.

In the mutant camp there are some mutants who are forced to work at the moment, others who are huddled around comforting each other and just some who are loners. It's not a pretty place and there's a aura of despair about the place. "Well I'm not a prisoner here. There's an underground, one last safe spot in New York City. I need to get as many in here there and I need help, some people on the inside I can rely on." He says as he's taking a huge chance here. "And it's a pleasure to meet you Hunter."

Behind a wall, nearby the two speaking mutants; if they were keen with their sight to spot it. There's a flash of light, followed by the light thudding of crates behind moved. Those who've been in this camp long enough know well enough that the spot the sounds and light are coming from is a usual spot for drop offs. The Harbingers always bring something to help.

Hunter thinks this guys gone around the bend. Or was he? "You're tellin me that you're not a prisoner? That you've found a way in and out of this hell-hole?" Hunter relaxes his posture and looks more curious now than standoffish. He doesn't want to give in to the small trill of hope that is building within him.

"The body I'm in is a prisoner here, myself, my body is somewhere else. I'm just using my mutant gifts to possess this body. I want you to explain that to this poor guy when I'm gone and why he's gonna have missing memory." After all Robyn wants to try to help as many as he can. "We're gonna -make- a way out of this hellhole. Saturday night."

Hunter listens intently to Robyn even though he's noticed a flash of light and some shifting of nearby boxes. He's not sure what that's all about but has every intention of going over there to check it out once he's free to do so. "Just say I believe you, which I really want to try to, you're telling me this why? Do you need me t'do somethin in here?"

Usually the drop off are there and then, no lingering. But the voices nearby draw the Harbinger out of the shadows. "There will be a way out of here. You just need to bide your time just a little longer." He looks over at Robyn, though no eyes are visible from behind the mask. Then he looks over at Hunter and stays silent for what Robyn has to say.

Robyn opens his mouth to say something but then looks over at the Harbinger. It's not Robyn's body but the body of some random male mutant in his mid twenties that just happens to have Robyn's mind it. "I'm telling you this cause I need to find a few people to quietly spread the word. To get ready. There's going to be a big attack here, I need people to be ready to fight once the fence goes down. Also I need people to get groups together for escape."

The Harbingers presence was enough to alarm Hunters sense of self preservation. The fact that this new person seemed to confirm what Robyn was saying to him kept him from reacting. Slowly a grin slips across his face, "Oh you can count on me t'spread the news. You want the whole lotta them t'know right? Dun think they'll all make it through a fight. Buncha them are pretty demoralized and given inta the doom n'gloom."

If Devotion's face was visible, it'd probably have a look of interest on it. He crosses his arms over his chest and listens to Robyn while he's talking. He turns his head towards Hunter. "Then let them know that there's hope for them. There will be a sunrise that they'll see outside of these walls." He looks around for a moment before he starts to head back behind the wall. Nearly time to go.

"I know there isn't much hope left in this place, but if you spread the talk of freedom there are those that will cling to that an awaken from their dispair." Robyn says with a nod as he looks around. "I've been studying the guards, and I'll come back and let you know the exact time to expect us. Our first targets will be the fences that are what's dampening your powers. From what I've gathered, any collars that are on will also cease to work as they are powered by the fence."

"I'm not all that great at inspirational speeches but I'll be givin it a whirl," he says as the Harbringer walks away. Hunter looks about the open yard then towards the fence line. Now he's just itching to rip a hole in this place. "You can count on me to martial up as many as I can. Word of warning, I might not have a lotta control. The others will know but you might wanna be tellin yer friends that mate."

Devotion looks behind him and a soft laugh can be heard from behind the mask. He gives a small shake of his head before he turns the corner, and another flash of light as he vanishes.

"I'm not asking for a speech just mutterings. Anything you can do to help I'll be really grateful for. I'll even make sure to save you a Beef Stew MRE back at our camp." Robyn will too, he'll hide it put a note on it that says 'for Hunter'. " Just make sure to look for the guy in the wheelchair when you're free. So, how long have you been in here Hunter?"

"I understand," Hunter replies. The mention of an MRE being offered sounds a lot better than it would have in the past, before everything went to hell. "Thanks for that, the food and the escape. I've been here for awhile. I try not t'keep track of the days. I was thrilled t'be powerless for awhile but the novelty wears off real fast when ya see what's goin on about ya."

"I understand." Robyn says looking at Hunter, remember his face, his features, so that he can find the man again. "I used to hate my powers, I used to wish there was a cure for us but now…I think I'm glad to be what I am, even today. Even in this world." He says, his voice a bit far away. "So…do you have a codename?"

Hunter rolls his neck about to relives some of the tension. His eyes cast about to see if anyone is watching their conversation. Happy to see that no one seems to care he offers up his open take on this whole mess. "I was always friendly an' helpful like t'everyone. Never saw a real difference between a human an' a mutant. Now tho? I gots a real problem." Hunter extends out a hand that appears to be wrapped with torn shreds of dirty t-shirt material. "I go by Kowari."

"Kowari…listen for that on Saturday night." Robyn says as that's what he'll call him to get his attention. "I went to a school…right on this spot, to train for my powers. To learn to live and well…I played the Hero and for the last ten years I've been in a wheel chair but all my friends went on to go to school here and were stuck in the attack."

Hunter empathizes with Robyn. "I'm sorry bout that. I spent a lotta my life by myself. Didn't matter if it twere Oz of New York. Started meetin people tho and was gainin a bit of control with my powers. I was about t'ask Xavier's school if they mind givin me a hand but I never got tha chance."

Robyn shrugs and there's a smile on the face of the mutant he's possessing. "Getting control is rough. I'm just sorry you had to see Xavier's like this. It was once a great place. I even met Charles Xavier years ago, when I could still walk." He says with a chuckle. "Unfortunatly though my time here is running thin."

Hunter understands and thinks he really ought to be getting back to his daily behavior of avoiding people before someone/thing notices that he's taken an interest in someone. "I look forward t'talkin with the real you. Maybe you can show me a thing or three."

"Robyn." He says with a smile. "That's my real name, Robyn. It was a pleasure to meet you and thank you, for your help. I'll come for you on Saturday night Kowari." He says and right before he goes to pull out of the mind of the mutant he puts a hand on Hunter's shoulder. "Please, tell this man exactly what happened once I leave and that I'm sorry I had to use him as a vessle." And with that Robyn is gone and left in his place is a confused mutant named Mark.

Hunter reaches out a steadying hand to the confused mutant. "Easy there, mate." He waits silently as Mark may need sometime to get used to where he is. "I gots a story ta tell yeah. Ya probably won't be belivin me all that much but I can tell ya why your standin here with me and somethin I'm sure yer gonna like." Hunter turns his head to look back towards the gates. He flashes a rare toothy grin then turns back to Mark to start explaining what just happened to the mutant.

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