OC Idle policy - After40 days of inactivity, we will attempt to contact you to see if you intend to return and continue playing. If we don't hear back from you within a week of us noticing you, your character will be toaded. We will only send you once notice, if you go idle for 40-days a second time, your character will be toaded. You can re-apply, however, if you return at a later time.
FC Idle policy - We require one logged scene posted on the wiki each month for each FC. Also, if you are idle for more than 40 days, you will receive the same as OCs. We require only one logged scene, because we want to be sure that each FC is being played, otherwise, available for other players.
If you know that you are going to be lacking internet access or time to play, you can avoid being toaded for up to 60 days by telling the Wizards ahead of time. Drop us a mail or page, or put an announcement on the +bboards so that we know not to delete that character. If you think you will be gone less than that, the character will not be toaded. If it goes past the 60th day, however, the character will be put up as available.
Aging Your Character!
Having your character age can be fun, seeing them develop from an awkward sixteen year old to a more mature twenty one, and finally having that character be able to hit the clubs of New York, can be fun role play and experience. Though after time it can get a bit awkward when you’re character almost becomes ‘too old’.
When you read Marvel Comics you see most of your favorite heroes just don’t seem to age. Scott Summers always seems to be in his early thirties, Tony Stark always around that 40 age and Jessica Drew’s never been a day over 30 all her years of being published. Now with us aging our characters in Marvel Revolution but characters in Marvel never aging, doesn’t that create a weird age gap? We’ve decided on a system for character aging here.
You can ‘lock in’ your characters age after they’ve aged a certain amount of time, preferably about five years. So that character who you started rping at age twenty five finally hit thirty but you don’t really see that character really getting much older than that, you can ‘lock in’ that age and say they’re an eternal thirty. Or that sixteen year old character who finally hit twenty one. The only thing with this is, your teen character can’t be a teen forever and has to graduate and evolve. If you have an older character you wish to ‘lock in’ before you hit the five year game mark, please talk to us. There are always exceptions to be made.
Alts and NPCS
In regards to alternate characters, you have to have your first character on Marvel Revolution for 60-days before you can app an alternate character. We want you to be able to get a feel for Marvel Revolution and give you time to develop your first character before applying for a second. This includes both OC's and FC's. Once the 60-day period is up there is no time limit on applying further characters.
There is no alt limit on Original Characters. Feel free to have as many as you can handle! There is, however, a maximum FC limit of 3. This limit is non-negotiable, as we feel that's more than enough for one player and also allows other FC's to be played by other players.
As far as FCs go, we do pay attention toward how they are played and their activity. We know that everyone has their personal take on the character and that different writers tend to portray them differently, but with that being said, if we notice you playing an FC fairly out of character (Such as The Invisible Woman working a side job as a stripper or Spider-Man deciding to kill a bunch of powerless thugs instead of webbing them up) we will let you know, and offer advice on how to improve. If this continues to be a problem though, this could result in us removing you as the player of the FC.
Please be aware that even if the players may not know whose alt is whose, the Wizards do. And we will not tolerate someone trying to pretend not to have an alt by using a different e-mail or not declaring the alts on the application.
That being said, we don't encourage alt interaction. Please do not one of your characters with one of your alts in a small scene setting, nor is it really acceptable for you to write a journal entry in which your characters interact. Your alts should not further your other alts in a direct fashion, as it's just not fair to other players. You can have your alts know of one another, especially if one is a teacher and the other a student, but please don't have your alt be best friends/lovers with one of your alts. If you think there is a situation where your alts would interact, we ask that you please use common sense and if you're unsure, please contact a wiz. There are some special circumstances in plots were the Wiz Staff will allow for you to use more than one character in a scene.
NPC's should be regarded in the same way as your alts interacting with eachother. NPC's are okay for furthering or starting small plots. Letting a character meet your characters family, ect. Please do not let an NPC become the main focus of one of your characters. There are other players on the game, and the game is about interaction. NPC's should be treated as a side character to pop up once in a blue moon, not all the time.
In order to turn the Ansi Color on just type 'Color On' for this feature.
The Barnes Academy (reminder that this is all IC)
As of February 2010, S.H.I.E.L.D. has decided to organize and fund the Barnes Academy. Barnes Academy will be accepting, and seeking, those will superpowers, or equivalent, ranging in age from 15 to 22. Here they will have both a proper education and proper training with their powers. One does not have to be a mutant to attend Barnes Academy.
The Barnes Academy is headed up by Sam Wilson aka The Falcon and has ties to groups like The Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. Those taught at Barnes Academy have the potential to join one or both teams. They will be taught by those in the Avengers, those in SHIELD, and other super powered people as well.
Training at Barnes is much different than at Xavier’s as it doesn’t have any Shiar Tech, but it does have advanced tech training facilities. It is also run a bit more Militaristic, as uniforms will be issued to be worn at all times and strict schedules will be issued. There will be free time for students to wander around New York City, get to know the area, but they are expected to be back by curfew. Students will also be given leave on weekends and holidays to visit family.
Rooms will be assigned to all Barnes Academy students. The High School level and College level students, along with boys and girls, will be separated. Girls will not be permitted in the boys dorms and boys will not be permitted in the girls dorms. As this is a Military style school, there is no sex whatsoever to be tolerated on Barnes Grounds. Also there will be random room checks to make sure everything is orderly and there is nothing that is there that shouldn’t be.
At Barnes students will be given their uniform and any other clothing or equipment they might need. All school books will be provided along with laptops with internet access. The internet access is severely limited to educational needs and email. Like with rooms email is subject to be checked along with internet searches by personnel. There is a library open to students for research as well.
The Barnes Academy is located in a secret and secure location by New York City. Anyone not attending Barnes Academy is forbidden to step foot onto the campus. Anyone found bringing non-authorized personnel or civilians onto the campus will be met with sever punishment.
School Rules
Rules on an IN GAME level only. They are not rules that you have to follow OOCly as they are IC rules for Barnes Academy Students. Feel free to break some of the rules as most students are known to do. Teachers do take an active role in the students lives so if you break a rule and it's never dealt with you can assume that the student either got away with it or your character got punished off-screen and was given a detention. Sometimes rping an annoyed student just out of a detention can be fun, and it leads to conversational rp.
1. No drugs at all. No underage drinking, smoking, sex on campus. Those of legal age who wish to do these things will keep it to their private quarters or areas where this would be acceptable behavior (such as the Teacher's Lounge and Private Rooms). Smoking is only allowed outdoors.
2. No co-ed rooms for students. Roommates will be assigned and you will sleep in your assigned quarters.
3. Curfew, for students under 18, is 9pm
4. No cutting class without a verifiable excuse.
5. No cutting training without a verifiable excuse.
6. No disrespecting the Barnes Academy Staff.
7. No entering the Training Rooms or
8. No using your powers offensively, unless in training, under supervision, or in an emergency situation. And /never/ against another student or resident of the Barnes Academy.
9. Upon acceptance to the school, your student is given a tour, a room, a key, a cell phone, the passcode to the entrance, a class schedule and whatever necessities they may be in need of. Including clothes, toothbrush, shoes, etc. (Just because this wasn't RPed out, does not mean it didn't happen. The professors do, as aforementioned, take an active role in your student character's life and well-being.)
10. And last, but hardly least, it is not public knowledge that The Barnes Academy exists. Speaking about Barnes Academy's outside of the mansion and to strangers is forbidden and can lead to severe consequences.
The following are all the commands on how to use our bulletin board system, also know as the +bb
Posting - +bbpost <board number>/<subject> Please remember that each paragraph can only hold 1024 characters before it'll be cut off.
Reading a specific post - +bbread <board number>/<post number>
Editing a post - +bbedit <board number/post number> Using the Lsedit system, you can edit what needs to be edited.
Deleting a post - delete <board number/post number>
Marking all posts as read - +bbcatchup
Listing all the boards - read or +bbread - Lists all boards, total posts, and unread posts.
Viewing Unread Posts - read #new or +bbread #new - Lists unread posts on all boards.
Reading Multiple Posts - read <board>/<1>-<2> - Read all posts on <board> from <1> to <2>.
Reading All New Posts - read #all - Displays all new posts on all boards.
Here are some helpful webpages when deciding on a characters powers and to help you describe what the powers do:
Wikipedia 's list of super powers is an extensive list of powers and descriptions.
Ben Riely's Marvel Page is an extensive list of FCs and their powers and power levels as designed for TSR's Marvel Table Top RPG.
Marvel Database is good research tool for FCs and canon power examples. Is is also a good place to see character galleries
Uncanny X-Men dot net is another good FC reacher tool.
Hollow Art is great if you are looking for a PB, this is a good community to search for one.
Model Mayhem is another good site if you're stuck for PB and trying to find one.
This random name generator, and are both helpful tools when you're stuck on names.
Wikipedia and are also good research tools for FCs.
Remember these websites are only research tools. When it comes to an FCs background, if we find it was just copied and pasted from one of the above mentioned sites, you will not be given the FC. Make the background your own, show us you understand the character.
This was written up thanks to Kaji Player:
Alright, it has come to my attention that most of the MU* doesn't know how to use Lsedit. It's a fairly simple program to desc rooms, objects, and even your own character. First of all, here's the commands for it:
- To start it off, you need to type in 'lsedit <obj>=<listname>' The <obj> being what you're describing, and the list name being one word that you're using to describe what you are. I mainly use 'desc' for it. But, for my character I have 'desc' and 'anthro'.
Then you see this:
< Welcome to the list editor. You can get help by entering '.h' >
< '.end' will exit and save the list. '.abort' will abort any changes. >
< To save changes to the list, and continue editing, use '.save' >
< Insert at line 1 >
This is where you can start to add in the description. Let's use my character's anthro description as an example.
The wolf that stands at a height of 6'4' and he weighs in at a modest 166 lbs. Starting from the tip of his ears, his fur is a pitch black, save for the slight pink inside his ears and the vibrant hazel of his eyes. The teeth hidden beneath the fur are as sharp as ever and cleaner than most canines. His body is softly muscled, while it is well defined; the fur itself softens the look of the muscles to make it look more conform. Though it does show when the fur is matted down. Going from his neck all the way down over his groin to the tip of his tail is a shade of gray that is a nice contrast to the black. His arms' and legs' tone coming from the training he's put himself through and the lengths he's gone to keep himself fit.
His tail is still considered a bit more tame than other wolves would be, though it still has some body to it. Lazily swinging behind him, it almost touches the ground when it is just hanging there.
The clothes that he wears are fitted for him to relax in, he doesn't do much else than that to be honest. A vest that's loose on him as well, and cargo shorts that hang down close to his knees or past them are baggy enough on him to have him wear a belt.
To have it as paragraphs within Lsedit while keeping a space between them. You have to put in an extra line between your paragraphs. Basically, when you're typing it out in a word processor; press enter and then space and then enter once more to continue. And you have a space between your paragraphs in your desc.
Then you type '.end' to save that. And then type '@desc me={list:<listname>}' the listname being whatever you chose as that one word to be your describing word. So far, I haven't seen any character limit. I've used this as my long power desc, and that spans a good two three pages on another MU*. Hopefully, this'll help ya in your character limit issues.
Morph Command
How to set a Morph
Typing morph #help brings up a help list
To enter a new morph desc
Type morph #edit <name>
It will list this:
@DESC: Enter this morph's @desc. Enter DESC to copy your real @desc.
Put a ! in front if it is an lsedit list-name, ie !_smurfy_desc
Enter a new setting, a period to leave unchanged, or XXX to clear it:
Enter your desc
SUMMARY: Type a half-line summary about this morph.
Enter a new setting, a period to leave unchanged, or XXX to clear it:
Pick a summary for your desc.
Follow the rest of the command enter in a period to not change it.
Morph #list will list your descs
Type Morph <name> to morph.
For some reason, the lsedit command and the morph command do not work in conjunction. Therefore, I've found a way to combine them so that I don't accidentally forget my various descriptions. After creating a description in lsedit (let's say we named it tshirt), we know the command to set it as a description is @desc me={list:tshirt}.
So, when we type morph #edit tshirt to start a morph list.
For desc, enter anything, as it doesn't matter, we're not truly using the morph command.
For the half-line summary of the desc, I type in {list:tshirt} so that I can see the name of the lsedit.
For the remainder of the entries, simply press . to get it to leave them unchanged. Now, when I type morph #list, it shows
Available morphs:
tshirt — {list:tshirt}
By seeing that, I won't forget that my lsedit name is tshirt or the command to use it.
That's just me. Use or not at your leisure.
We have now added a twitter channel to the MU*. This works pretty much like the real thing, but in channel format. To join it type either twi on, +twi on, tweet on, or +tweet on. Your choice for which is your chosen handle.
To set a name for the channel, type twi #name and follow the prompts. We also have a list of Twitter Handles for the game, so nobody uses anyone else's.
Xaviers and Students
First I would like to stress that all these Student Rules are Rules on an IN GAME level only. They are not rules that you have to follow OOCly as they are IC rules for Xavier Students. Feel free to break some of the rules as most students are known to do. Teachers do take an active role in the students lives so if you break a rule and it's never dealt with you can assume that the student either got away with it or your character got punished off-screen and was given a detention. Sometimes rping an annoyed student just out of a detention can be fun, and it leads to conversational rp.
Understand that much of your student character's life will be taken up with classes and training. Weekends are free, there are three-day weekends at points throughout the year as well as a couple longer breaks, and summer. Students are given the choice to stay on campus during these breaks or return to their families' homes. (Many of the NPC students will be gone during these breaks.) Training will continue all year long. Some professors will offer classes during summer break, as well (in addition to summer school).
All students receive training in several areas at the school. Education: because we ARE a school. Teamwork: because you have to know how to work with others in todays society. Power control: because we're mutants. If we don't control our powers, we can't survive. Someone will use that against us. And Combat: we know people hate mutants. You must be able to defend yourself, and fight as the need arises. Use this knowledge accordingly. Even noncombatants learn some martial art.
If something happens and your student runs into a villain outside of Xavier's, please assume that if you got hurt that you can contact Xavier's and are escorted home safely and brought to the medbay. Sometimes there isn't a teacher/X-Men logged on at the time so things are just assumed. On another note, students should be aware that the mansion is equipped with alien technology in the Medical Bay so your character will be taken care of if hurt. This means that even if one of the healers doesn't get your student character healed after being wounded, your student will still heal faster than normal. We do know that it's fun to rp your character being injured from time to time
Xavier’s Rules
These rules are In Game only!
School Rules
1. No drugs at all. No underage drinking, smoking, sex on campus. Those of legal age who wish to do these things will keep it to their private quarters or areas where this would be acceptable behavior (such as the Teacher's Lounge and Private Rooms). Smoking is only allowed outdoors.
2. No co-ed rooms for students. Roommates will be assigned and you will sleep in your assigned quarters.
3. Curfew for Xavier's Students is as follows
Sunday through Thursday - 9pm for those under 18, 10pm for those over 18 and over
Friday and Saturday - 10pm for those under 18, Midnight for those 18 and over.
If there is a holiday where Monday or Friday is not a school day curfew for Friday and Saturday night is in effect for Sunday and Thursday respectively.
4. No cutting class without a verifiable excuse.
5. No cutting training without a verifiable excuse.
6. No disrespecting the staff and/or X-Men.
7. No entering the Danger Room or lowest basement level without an X-Man or Professor letting you in. Please remember, these rooms are secured and need certain passes to open them.
8. No using your powers offensively, unless in training, under supervision, or in an emergency situation. And /never/ against another student or resident of the Mansion.
9. Upon acceptance to the school, your student is given a tour, a room, a key, a cell phone, the passcode to the front gate, a class schedule and whatever necessities they may be in need of. Including clothes, toothbrush, shoes, etc. (Just because this wasn't RPed out, does not mean it didn't happen. The professors do, as aforementioned, take an active role in your student character's life and well-being.)
10. It is not encouraged that students run off and play hero or engage in vigilante work. Xavier’s understands that there are times when you are in a situation where you might be required to help out and use your powers and other situations beyond your control. Going out and looking to be a hero or vigilante will result in appropriate consequences.
11. And last, but hardly least, it is not public knowledge that Xavier's is a mutant haven. . Speaking about Xavier's outside of the mansion and to strangers is forbidden and can lead to consequences.
12. Students are not allowed to have cars on campus. If a student has a drivers license and can drive, they can ask permission to use a school vehicle.
Recreation and Pool Rules -
With Spring coming soon, the pool will be re-opened for use by the student body. Since we have many new students, we are reposting the rules on your smartphones.
1. The Recreation Room hours will be from 3pm-2am, unless special permission has been given by staff. Please see previous message.
2. The Recreation room will be open from midnight Friday to 2am Monday morning for student use on weekends, with extension for holidays.
3. The Pool is not to be used unsupervised. If no lifeguard is present, please contact School Security before entering the pool.
4. Pool hours are until 7pm school nights, and 9pm on weekends and holidays.
5. The Pool area will be kept clean. Any items left behind will be remanded to school custody during the weekly pool cleanings.
6. At any time, if anyone in the pool hears the school alarm, evacuate immediately inside the mansion.
7. All Games provided in both the Recreation Room and Pool facility are considered school property. Borrowing for personal use may
only happen with faculty permission and signing a waiver for lost/destroyed articles.
8. Please be mindful of your behavior when in these locations so as not to offend your fellow students.
9. Alteration of any school property will have offenders subject to detention and possible further punishment.
10. All Students and Facility Staff will wear tasteful attire when in public recreation areas. Males will wear shorts or other bathing attire of a non-suggestive nature. Females will wear full-torso swimsuits or athletic-grade bikini swimsuits, or other attire also deemed non-suggestive. Logoed items will also be of a non-offensive nature to others. If you have a question to your bathing or casual attire, this can be address personally with myself at your convenience.
These rules can also be found in your School Handbook documents, and will be posted outside both facilities.
-Emma Frost, Headmistress, Xavier Academy for the Gifted.
Xavier’s Professors and Classes
Addison Falk - Powers and Aerial Combat
Christopher Parker-Mayfair - Culinary
Emma Frost - Business, Etiquette, electonics and Psi/Pathic training
Hildegarde VonReginleif - Ancient History, Mythology and German
Jericho Parker-Mayfair - School Psychiatrist and Guidance counselor. Also teaches Health and Nutrition classes
Kenta Gilpatrick - Music classes
Sam Guthrie - Agriculture, Blackbird Training
Scott Summers - Geometry, Auto Shop/Maintenance/Repair
Xorn - Eastern Culture and Philosophy
All teachers and X-Men have the capability and knowlege to run and program danger room sessions for themselves and students.
We also have various, often nameless, NPC teachers who fill in the empty spaces until a PC fills in the blanks.
Danger Room
The Danger Room is a rather unique (at least, on this planet) piece of technology. Set up by the Shi'ar empire, it is far and away beyond even the highest tech in the present day. And as such, there are a few special facts you'll need to know about it.
1) The Danger Room is set up with safeties for every simulation it runs (with the exceptions of the highest level of difficulty, which only can be used by the X-Men. Not even professors can set up that high a simulation) so a person cannot get hurt while inside. Injuries are all part of the simulation, and will fade as the simulation does. Even a death, within the simulation, is just part of the simulation. A person who 'dies' in the danger room, would be able to simply get up and stand around the sidelines while the Room conceals them and creates a hologram of their body. However, there is a caveat to this rule. Any non-simulated powers will hurt any real, living person. So, if one student generates ice knives and tosses the toward another student, Student B will be hurt by them (assuming he can't dodge). Same rule goes for any non-simulated weapons.
2) You cannot damage the Danger Room. It has a security/shield program running at all times. If, by some chance, the power to the Danger Room was cut, then /perhaps/, if you've the strength for it. The controls and so on are also hard to damage, although easier to do than the room itself.
3) The Danger Room and Control Booths are both kept under strict lock and key. No student will be able to just waltz in to either room. Of course, there are some exceptions, such as teleporters, however, understand that you /will/ be caught (see rule #4). Also, students are /not/ given instruction on how to use the Danger Room, starting it up, creating simulations, running simulations. The possible except being turning /off/ simulations. Sometimes, a candidate for a spot on the X-Men can be taught these things. But, rest assured, it will be rare.
4) There is constant surveillance inside the Danger Room and Booth. Mostly to keep track of the sessions, to record each individual's progress.
5) The Wizzes and Staff unfortunately cannot always run Danger Room sessions so most will be rped off screen. If your character would like a danger room session and you have an idea, feel free to run one. This goes under the One Shot guidelines and does not need to be apped for. Just say that your character has gotten a teacher to run one for you and a few 'friends' and go to town, have fun! Don't wait for a Wiz, Staffer or a PC-Teacher/X-Men to be available for you to have fun with a Danger Room session.
Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters contains the following security:
Cameras - Everywhere there are cameras, video surveillance, no sound. There are no cameras in the students or teachers bedroom.
Turrets - laser, fire, electric, bullets, different types of energies - all auto target, auto fire.
Genetic Scanners - cover the entire grounds to alert when an unfamiliar persons enters the area. The scanners are in the ground and cover a Radius to cover all the grounds, the woods to a bit past the communications tower and the lake is about 1/2 mile into the water.
Radar - Air Defense, only for large craft as there are many fliers at the school so it won't pick up most human-sized life forms
Window Plates - When there is an emergency steel shields cover all windows and doors making the school almost impossible to enter. This goes for the dorms as well.
Welcome to the Marvel Revolution Re-casting page! Below, you will find a list of FCs who need to be re-casted. What this means for you, the player, is that while these FCs are available for application, they also come with a history with characters on the game. Possibly just a few tidbits here and there, possibly something more intertwined. What we ask of anyone thinking of apping these characters is that you be open about these connections and work with the other players on making it work to everyone's satisfaction.
Alex "Havok" Summers
Alison "Dazzler" Blaire
Bucky "Winter Solider" Barnes
Carol "Ms Marvel" Danvers
Cecilia Reyes
Jay "Icarus" Guthrie
Jubilation "Jubilee" Lee
Juilo "Rictor" Richter
Kelsey "Lionheart" Kirkland
Kevin "Morph" Sydney
Kitty "Shadowcat" Pryde
Mortimer "Toad" Toynbee
Natasha "Black Widow" Romanoff
Ororo "Storm" Monroe
Otto "Doc Ock" Octavius
Peter "Spider-Man" Parker
Piotr "Colossus" Rasputin
Rahne "Wolfsbane" Sinclair
Raven "Mystique" Darkholme
Remy "Gambit" LeBeau
Sean “Banshee” Cassidy
Sebastian Shaw
Steve "Captain America" Rogers
Tommy "Speed" Shepard
Zachery "Sack" Miller
Here at Marvel Revolution, we use wikidot as our primary source of information. We ask that all players sign up on the website to edit their own pages. All characters are required to fill in the infoblock and what history they want known (there has to be something, as nobody has a blank slate. If the character is a feature character, we also require pictures of the comic character. If you have chosen a PB, we also request a picture or two of the PB. As of May 15th, 2009, all existing characters must have a wikidot page. All new characters must create one within two weeks.)
We know that some players are not good at making wiki pages, or editing them, so they can ask for assistance. There are several players and even a few staffers that are more than willing to make the pages if they're asked. Simply ask them if they will, and if they say yes, provide them with the necessary information.
It's all in fun, so enjoy it.