Players: Jordan Mayfair and Shifter
Summary: Jordan Mayfair tests his young protege, Shifter, against Macabee
Date: December 20, 2010
Log Title: Macabee
Rating: PG
Westchester - Salem Center
The parking lot that serves Salem Center is expansive. The mall building being the largest in the area, most of the traffic is aimed for there. However, there are a number of independent buildings along the edges of the parking lot and across the street. Benches dot the sidewalks that line the buildings, along with trash cans, bushes, trees and lamps. There is a large archway that leads to the mall entrance.
It’s the last weekend before Christmas and Jordan Mayfair has never been on to celebrate the holiday or even go shopping for gifts, unless they involved some evil purpose. He is basically a twisted Scrooge. But with Shifter staying with him, the mutant attorney decides to partake in the Christmas shopping experience and so heads to the mall. As the limo pulls into the mall, Jordan sighs as he sees shoppers pushing past each other trying to get the last minute gifts. He thinks to himself how he hates this, but c’est la vie. “Ok, Axel. I figure we can do Christmas and so, I’ll be honest. Santa Claus does not exist. If you have any gifts, they’re from me. Let’s check out this spot and see if there is anything you like. Cover up.” Jordan lowers the window on the limo and notes a particular character walking amongst the plebeians. He grins as he recognizes the person and sends a mental note to the person, <No harm is to come to him. This is only a test. But feel free to hurt anyone else.>
Shifter is still not used to being in a limo, but he's used to being in Mayfair’s company which makes him feel better due to his trust of the man, he smiles at the Santa Claus comment, he's known that for a while but he enjoys the joke, he's dressed in black sneakers, dark jeans, a black and grey hoodie, he has a dark grey and black scarf covering his lower face and is wearing sunglasses, 'Thanks Mr. Mayfair', he pulls his hood up and gets ready to exit the limo.
Shaking his head, “Call me, Jordan. Mr. Mayfair is my father.” With that the driver comes around and opens the door for the two mutants, “Goodness, I really hate shopping and at a mall.” He sighs again, “Well this is what people do during the holidays.” Jordan steps out first. The man he had signaled earlier mentally nods his head and had been wearing a long overcoat, but he suddenly rips off his coat to reveal what looks like a green wrestler’s singlet with a large red belt. “Time to earn money Macabee whispers to himself when he suddenly stomps on the ground sending shockwaves in the mall parking lot.
'Sorry Jordan', Shifter follows Mayfair out of the limo, his head snaps round when he feels the shockwaves, when he spots the man in green he steps in front of Mayfair, 'Jordan sir, you may want to get back in the limo, i don't wanna risk you getting hurt', now how does he deal with this without revealing himself to much?
<Be careful, Axel. Try not to reveal your face.> Jordan telepathically says to Shifter. I’ll run some mental interference in the meantime. Jordan grins as he sits back down and thinks just to himself how easier this was than expected. Macabee comes rushing towards the limo and Shifter with each step another more mighty and powerful shockwave. “A limo. That means they’re rich Means money for me!” The limo shakes a bit and Jordan sends a mental command to Macabee, “Don’t damage the limo either or it comes out of your money.”
Shifter nods, 'I'll keep hidden', when Macabee runs towards the limo Shifter leaps and flips to land on his back, "Stop now", this is the mans warning, he won't get another.
<Be careful, Axel. Try not to reveal your face.> Jordan telepathically says to Shifter. I’ll run some mental interference in the meantime. Jordan grins as he sits back down and thinks just to himself how easier this was than expected. Macabee comes rushing towards the limo and Shifter with each step another more mighty and powerful shockwave. “A limo. That means they’re rich Means money for me!” The limo shakes a bit and Jordan sends a mental command to Macabee, “Don’t damage the limo either or it comes out of your money.”
Shifter nods, 'I'll keep hidden', when Macabee runs towards the limo Shifter leaps and flips to land on his back, "Stop now", this is the mans warning, he won't get another.
Macabee makes no move to stop and as he continues to charge, he leaps into the air and a gust of wind carries him high up and lowers him down at a quick speed with his fist extended to punch Shifter, “How about I stop you?” In the limo, Jordan watches and actually grows slightly nervous for Shifter and sends a mental message to Macabee, “Remember only a test.”
Shifter puts both his arms together in front of him, clenches his fists and concentrates to shift his arms into a boney shield to try and hold back the blow, if Macabee won't listen to reason, he's gonna have to go on the offensive very soon.
Macabee’s fists pound on the shield. He falls back and stands shaking his fists, “So, a physical fight is not the way to go.” He grins, “I have other tricks.” He kicks the ground causing two shockwaves and two fists of rock come up from the ground attempting to grab Shifter’s legs.
While Shifter is distracted with keeping his balance during the shockwaves he's unable to evade the rock grabbing his legs, 'Damn!', he shifts the shield into two hammer-like fists, he slams them into the rocks in the hope of breaking them.
Macabee grins. His hands generate fire, “Now you’re going to burn.” The limo door opens on the opposite side. Jordan stares at the man and shakes his hand, suddenly the hands holding Shifter are kept in place sink back into the ground. Macabee stares at Jordan, “Time for you to go telepath!” Macabee generates a wind which catches Jordan and seemingly hurls him into the air and away from the limo and Shifter. Macabee turns to Shifter, “Now back to you.” He hurls a fire ball at Shifter.
As soon as the rock releases him Shifter is running towards Macabee, he's shifted his hands into large bladed claws, but when Mayfair is thrown into the air he changes course, returning his hands to their natural state and shifts the muscles in his legs to lengthen his strides and increase his speed, he does his best to avoid the thrown fireballs and leaps to catch Mayfair (if he doesn't evade properly he'll take the fireballs from behind).
The fireballs all but destroy the limo. The driver runs out screaming and jumps into a fountain to put out his clothes which are now on fire. Shifter was able to evade the fireball and manages to catch Mayfair. Who seems rather confused, not by the attack, but by being caught by Shifter, “Wow, you actually tried to save me?” Jordan is still pretty shocked, when two streams of fire blasts are launched at the two mutants, Jordan getting his composure, “Move to the left.” He orders Shifter and then, “And put me down.”
Shifter raises an eyebrow, 'You expected me not to?' they've got time to go over this later, he moves quickly to the left and puts Mayfair down, he then turns and re-shifts his hands into the bladed claws to resume the fight.
Macabee continues rushing over. “So why don’t I try some water?” His hands disappear and are replaced with two water stream and aim two water blasts at Shifter while the water from the fountain forms into a wave to crash down on Shifter.
Shifter shifts his arms again to form a shield against the two streams of water coming towards him, his legs shake slightly as the rapid shifting begins to effect him, all he can do to stop himself from being swept away by the wave is to shift his feet to grip the floor, he will however have to take the full force of the wave.
The waters hit the shield with minimal force but the tidal waves soaks through Shifter, leaving him all wet, but not knocked over. It seems while Macabee can manipulate the elements, there is not much force or pressure to back up his blasts. He sighs and charges forward causing a gust of wind attempting to push Shifter over, but again not back with much force.
Shifter smiles when the water doesn't hit with as much force as expected, he returns one of his arms to normal and the other back into a hammer-like state, he shifts his leg muscles for speed again and runs towards Macabee fighting against the wind pressure with the aim to smack the hammer into him.
Surprised that the mutant is able to get past his wind and the hammer catches him by surprise and he hit hard and lands into the fountain. Jordan grins and makes his appearance and rushes towards Macabee, "Shifter, check on the driver. I will deal with this." When Shifter jumps into the fountain and when kneels by the fallen Macabee, suddenly the water rises and encircles Jordan and Macabee and suddenly Jordan and Macabee disappears in a swirl of water. The spear rises into the air rides on the wind. Sending a telepathic command to Shifter, "I'll be right back and check on the driver."
Shifter nods to Mayfair and moves to check on the driver, 'Please be careful', just as he reaches the driver Mayfair and Macabee disappear in the water, before he can react he gets the message from Mayfair, with another nod he kneels down beside the driver and begins checking for injuries.
The bubble of water rises until it disappears into the skyline. "Shifter, get back to my estate. This will take longer than I thought. Get the driver to the estate and my personal physician will deal with him." The telepathic contact is suddenly cut off.
Slightly worried Shifter picks up the injured driver and runs off towards the direction of Mayfair's estate, avoiding any shoppers beginning to reconverge.