Mortimer "Toad" Toynbee
Mortimer "Toad" Toynbee
Portrayed By Ray Park
Gender Male
Date of Birth ??
Age 25
Zodiac Sign ??
Aliases Toad
Place of Birth York, England
Current Location New York City
Occupation Thief
Known Relatives ???
Significant Other ???
Identity ??
Known Abilities External Amphibian Qualities, Superhuman Leg Strength, Prehensile Tongue, Superhuman Internal Qualities, Super Strength and Stamina, Chemical Secretions, Amphibian Control
First Appearance ???

Mean, green and a little on the smelly side.


At an incredibly early age, Mortimer was abandoned by his parents and left to foster care system in York, England. He was an obvious mutant from day one and possessed freakish physical abnormalities that painted him as a target for ridicule amongst his peers. Constant bullying and lack of acceptance turned him into a lonely child who steered away from normal group activities. Some of his peers who pushed him around, also learned to use him as a lackey of sorts with false notions of friendship. His teachers thought him mentally disabled due to his lack of application towards academic study, not considering that the boy had already begun developing self-destructive tendencies due to lack of true affection from others.

Eventually Mortimer got out of the foster system and wandered without direction. He committed petty crimes either alone or under peer pressure of a group, until his activities brought him to the attention of Magneto. It was through Magneto that he was given his nickname of "Toad," which Mortimer took with pride from a man who seemed to be giving him more of a chance than anyone in his life. If he was just being used, Toad didn't care; he devoted himself to Magneto and his cause for righting all the wrongs against mutantkind. Within the master of magnetism's service, he gained somewhat of a more focused education towards the things that were useful to the cause: i.e., technology and how it could be exploited. He turned out to have a knack for engineering and used its numerous times to benefit the Brotherhood. His combat skills, on the other hand, remained somewhat lacking though they eventually evolved from wild kicking to more focused strikes with not just his feet but his tongue as well.

Mortimer's time with the Brotherhood was his longest in any group that appeared to have accepted him, but it seems to have ended for the time being. Years of wallowing in subserviance to Magneto left the man bitter and opened his eyes to a few ways in which he was actually being abused. When the Brotherhood disbanded after an untimely death/disappearance of its leader, the Toad found himself stranded in the States and without any true alliances. He's been spending his time surviving the main way he knows how: through petty theft and brutish behavior. Things he's learned from being in the Brotherhood have helped him evade true punishment so far, but as his wandering has brought him back to the great state of New York, that may only be a matter of time.


External Amphibian Qualities - Mortimer's mutation gives him several amphibious attributes, the most obvious being his appearance. His skin is a sickly green in hue and has a constantly viscous texture, secreting odd and toxic chemicals at all times. His eyes, though functioning like a normal human's, have a toad-like deformity to their iris shape. Warts are very obvious on several parts of his body and his hair shares a darker but just as ghastly green color as the rest of him. Since his skin is constantly moist, he requires more hydration than others and can become severely ill if he doesn't maintain an above average level of it.

Superhuman Leg Strength - Next to become obvious is the power behind his legs. Toad's legs are capable of bench-pressing three tons and, depending on how much force he puts behind them, kicking the average man a considerable distance. This strength allows him to propel himself twenty-four feet vertically and thirty-six feet in a single jump. It is his main means of attacking, as one kick can not only be bone-shattering but also fatal.

Prehensile Tongue - Toad is able to extend his tongue a good twenty-five feet from his mouth. His control over it is so good that he can guide it to targets and around obstacles, and even wrap it around objects or people. This part of him also appears to have a level of super strength to it that can be used to crush an average man if caught in its coils. Still, the tongue remains Toad's most vulnerable body part and will cause him a great deal of pain if assaulted in any way.

Superhuman Internal Qualities - Toad has exhibited an unusual level of agility that allows him to stay coordinated in the midst of complicated aerial maneuvers and body positions. An ultra-flexible spinal cord serves to cushion the fall from one of his signature leaps, as well as his natural and frog-like crouching position. His lungs and cheeks are elastic enough to store large amounts of air which he can use to knock someone down at a close range. He has been known to show above-average durability, taking force blows to the body that would normally severely injure and surviving them with only minor bruising. He is in no way immune to physical abuse, however, and is as susceptible as anyone else to being shot, stabbed or some other creative means of injury.

Super Strength and Stamina - Not only are Toad's legs strong, but to further aid with throwing himself around, his upper body has the recorded strength to lift one ton. His muscles also possess a significantly lower level of fatigue toxins than the average person, allowing him to maintain a peak level of physical performance for hours.

Chemical Secretions - Toad's body is a chemical soup with varying effects depending on where the chemicals come from. On the surface level, the chemicals from his pores come together to form a neural toxin capable of paralyzing a man within several minutes. Suffice it to say it's not a good idea to lick this toad. His fingers and toes are capable of producing an adhesive-like substance that allows him to stick to most surfaces, excluding mainly the ones that are treated to be non-stick. Both things make him formidable but being constantly soaked in this particular batch of chemicals means he is highly flammable. His mouth is also a bile environment with various chemical concoctions at his disposal. He can spit large amounts of phlegm that is corrosive in nature. Along his tongue, he can produce saliva with mind-altering toxins that can force an otherwise unwilling listener to do as told for as long as they're under the toxin's effects.

Amphibian Control - An unexplored power that he has yet to tap into, Toad does have the ability to mentally call upon nearby amphibious creatures and get them to do his bidding. This includes newts and salamanders as well as the frogs and toads for which he seems to mainly get his powers.


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