Summary: Neighbors and fellow musicians have a jam session and chat.
Date: February 08, 2010.
Log Title Rooftop Jam
NYC - Greenwich Village Apartments (Roof)
After climbing up the ladder and through the skylight to the roof it's almost a whole new world from the top of the 7-story building. A four foot brick wall lines all sides of the roof. Either the landlord or one of the long time residents seems to have an affinity for gardening and plants off all sorts are set around the roof creating an unorganized mess of beauty surrounding most of the edges of the roof. Different small trees sit in planters in a few of the corners. Depending on the season is what's in bloom up here. There is a small white garden table with four chairs and a bench for those who want to come up here and watch the city from above. The roof is open to all who live in the apartment.
After climbing up the ladder and through the skylight to the roof it's almost a whole new world from the top of the 7-story building. A four foot brick wall lines all sides of the roof. Either the landlord or one of the long time residents seems to have an affinity for gardening and plants off all sorts are set around the roof creating an unorganized mess of beauty surrounding most of the edges of the roof. Different small trees sit in planters in a few of the corners. Depending on the season is what's in bloom up here. There is a small white garden table with four chairs and a bench for those who want to come up here and watch the city from above. The roof is open to all who live in the apartment.
It's later in the evening and even though it's cold out, Kenta's outside on the top of the roof of his small apartment. He's playing his acoustic guitar up there and singing a bit. There's one thing about the Asian, he's got talent. Almost twenty years of playing and singing really shows with him. He's wearing only a pair of jeans and a t-shirt despite the weather, showing off the black markings up and down his arms. He is wearing a pair of sunglasses though.
Jet after a disastrous attempt at cooking (this is why his garbage is full of microwave boxes and take out containers), Jet heard the obviously live music coming from above and couldn't help himself. The instinct to jam is just too strong. He grabs his own acoustic guitar and heads up the stairs, though he's wearing a jacket over his t-shirt and jeans, against the cold. Figuring that music speaks better than words, he just tightens the strings and tunes a little before joining in with what Kenta is playing, with enough minor variations and counterpoints to make it clear that he's musically playing a bit and asking to join in.
Kenta is just playing something that he's making up as he goes, just letting the music take him. It's probably something he couldn't repeat since he's just kind of going. "I don't mind at all, it's been a while since I had someone to work with." He says smiling as he adjusts how he's sitting so that he's in a better position to jam. His guitar looks old and a bit beat up but it sounds good. Kenta has gone through a lot with this guitar and he knows it, sometimes he feels like the guitar plays him.
Jet grins and nods his thanks and then takes up what Kenta was playing and adds a bit of New Orleans jazz riff to it, again letting the music speak for itself. He's obviously talented and his own guitar is old and second hand but well-loved. After a couple of minutes of them playing together, still strumming the cords, he says, simply, "Jet. We're neighbors."
Kenta is definitely influenced by an odd mix of punk and classic rock, so there's a bit of that jazz influence in the way that jazz influenced some of the classics from the sixties and seventies. "Kenta, sorry if my son ever keeps you up." He says with a smile, after all a five year old boy can be kind of rowdy. "So how long have you been playing?" He asks listening to what Jet is playing and trying to work with it, letting their two styles mesh.
Jet grins and meets Kenta in the middle with some 50s blues and rock that meshes the jazz and classic. He shakes his head and says, "Never. I hope, um, you don't hear a lot of noise from my place?" Given that his nightmares occasionally come to life and trash his apartment. "And since I was twelve, give or take. It's my thing." By which he apparently means passion or talent. "You?"
"Ever since I was ten." Kenta says obviously enjoying the impromptu jam session, it's nice to find someone that's about on the same level as he is. "So a little over 20 years." He says as he doesn't really look like he's that old. "It's my thing too, nothing beats just relaxing with a guitar." Kenta loves his son just a little bit more than he loves his music, it's very close though. "Nah, I don't. Real party animal?"
Jet snorts a little and shakes his head, "Nah. Not enough time. Studying music. Working." His shrug seems to say, 'Who has time to party when there's all that stuff to do?' His faint grin goes broader as Kenta harmonizes and he speeds up the tempo taking them right into the 60s and 70s with a little hard rock variation what Kenta was originally playing. He really is talented but more than that, he's having fun. He nods towards the other man's arms. "Cool ink."
Kenta is in the same boat as Jet, he's truly having fun and he's having fun with Jet's change ups, impressed that the kid is as talented as he is. "I teach music but when I was your age, I was studying music and partying quite a bit but then, I was convinced I was going to be a rock star." He was even in a band that played small gigs around the city. "So where you studying music?"
Jet rolls his eyes and says, "Julliard." There is a combination of pride and self-depreciation in his tone that combined with the expression suggests that he's happy to be there but not terribly arrogant about it. "I learned /music/ in London and New Orleans. Now I'm learning technique." The difference being that he got the soul from his own wanderings and the technical skills from education. Like most musicians, really. And then a quiet, "You're good."
Kenta stops playing as Julliard is mentioned and nods. "I was accepted there, with a scholarship a few years ago, I was never able to finish." There's a hit of longing in his voice, it's one thing he wishes he was able to complete. "I started lessons when I was ten so technique, I know. It was finding out what I wanted to play and just going, being in a band helped that. Those were fun days." He says before shaking his head and picking back up with a smile. "You're pretty awesome yourself Jet. And you've got one of those names, Jet, that just kind of lead up to you being a rock star."
Jet gives Kenta a respectful look at that knowledge and then grins, faintly, "My parents have a thing for J names. Jericho, Jordan, Jerica and Jet." He shrugs and says, "Don't ask me why." He says, "And I'm not bad. Can pay the bills with bar gigs." Which is basically ahead of he pack, to be able to pay your way as a musician.
"I work with a Jericho." Kenta says as he also works at Xavier's but he doesn't know much about the guy. "I dunno, I'm an only child but if I have another, I don't think I'm giving them another 'A' name. After all, I doubt I'll be having anymore kids." He says with a chuckle. "Let me know when you're playing a bar gig, I'll come check ya out. I should look into doing those again. They were fun. Hey, does Otto's Shrunken Head still host bands?" He doesn't know if Jet knows of that bar in the East Village.
Jet gives Jet a raised eyebrow. "Uncommon name. Where?" Apparently he spends his words carefully. And then a snort at the idea of giving your children themed names. He stills his strings, giving his hands time to rest for a bit and says, "I'll do that. And I think so. Haven't played it though." He pauses a moment and asks, "You working?" He hefts the guitar, making the question, 'are you singing and playing for a living?' Which is probably a sign that he thinks Kenta's pretty darned talented to be asking.
"I'm a music teacher at a school. It was what I could get so I could support my son. I could live at the school but having a five year old, I don't like to stay there all the time." Kenta says as pushes some hair out of his face. "I don't do any music gigs anymore, I do miss it. I miss the crowd, the fun, the band mates. Aw, I was in this great band, Screaming Ninja Flips, I was the lead singer as well. Man do I miss it."
Jet blinks. His eyebrows lift. A live-in school with a guy named Jericho? Hm. His expression is thoughtful as he gives Kenta a closer look and then grins. "Good name. And front man?" He tilts his head and then nods. "Yea. I can see it." A pause. "Your Jericho. Big guy? Doctor? Married?"
Kenta lifts up his glasses to reveal that his eyes are completely black and he looks down at his arms. "Well, if I said these are tattoos and that Jericho is a REALLY big guy, married to a hair stylist, then yes, I think I know your brother. Mayfair or Parker?" He asks not sure which name is which as only one was a teacher when he was a student and he really doesn't remember.
Jet nods seriously as Kenta shows him that the 'ink' isn't and his eyes. He says, "Ah." And a grin, "Mayfair. Parker's the one that can cook." He pauses and then adds, "Small world." Well, that's an understatement. And then, "Ever think about doing gigs on your off time?"
"Yeah, I've wanted to but between raising a kid by myself and working, it's tough. I mean I can always get my parents to watch Armande." Kenta says as he's kind of been afraid to open that door again. "I've had a lot happen in the last ten years, as you know with having Jericho as your brother, mutants, we sometimes live lives we can't control."
Jet runs his free hand back through his hair and sighs. His expression is suddenly very wistful and a bit harried. "Yea. We do." He shrugs and says, "But … you can sing. And play. And you don't suck. We should do something." He grins faintly again, "Get you away from kids for a little bit, at least."
"If you don't mind hanging out with an old man, I'd really like that." Kenta says as leans back and looks at Jet. "I really would like that, I think it'd be fun. And yeah, I can sing. I'm even talented enough to sing and play guitar at the same time." He says joking around a little bit of his ego coming out. He's a lot more humble than he used to be. "So do you usually play covers or original stuff?"
Jet grins and says, "Compared to some people I hang out with, you're a baby." He smirks a little at that and then grins wider as Kenta makes that joke. "Better than most guys in most bands out there then. And both. I like a lot of stuff. I write some stuff too. But…." He shrugs and says, "Deep takes time. I'm not old enough to be deep and not dumb enough to not notice."
Kenta laughs and shrugs. "I dunno know about that, how old are you Jet?" Kenta says as he did a bit of writing at a young age. He doesn't know how good it really was, but he tried. "It doesn't take a life shattering event to help you write good music, but I guess it helps." Kenta says laughing as he's been through his fair share of tragedy. It makes for one damn, depressing song."
Jet says, "23 in a couple of weeks." And the fact that he's counting ahead probably says all that needs to be said there. "No, but you to live." He shrugs, "I've traveled but I'm not sure I've /lived/." Which is a fairly common existential complaint. And indeed the fodder of many a song. By Linkin Park. Green Day. And other bands that Jet would rather not emulate.
"Well do you think you lived? I mean, have you enjoyed yourself and been happy? I mean, living isn't about getting kidnapped by aliens or having the mother of your child end up dying, it can also be just life experiences." Of course Kenta's been through the mutant ringer. "If you felt fulfilled by what you've done, than I'd think that counts as living, and you can continue to do that."
Jet flinches slightly at 'kidnapped' but he doesn't say anything. He just nods. "Good advice." A pause. "I'm in 4C by the way. She should talk more. I have beer." And then a grin. "What are we playing next?" He hefts his guitar and gives Kenta an inquiring look.
"I have Rum." Kenta says grinning as he gives him his apartment number as well. "And lots of cigarettes but I'm not going to encourage you to smoke, horrible habit." One he's tried to quit many times. "Actually I should get back inside, I gotta head to Xavier's tomorrow morning so I should get my beauty sleep." He jokes. "Stop by anytime Jet, I'd like that alot."
Jet nods and says, "I'd like that too. Thanks." And then, "Gonna play a while." And true to his word, he starts something low and murmuring, the sort of classical guitar piece that music teachers love, done in all minor chords so it sounds like a lullaby. A joking send off for his new friend, delivered without words.