Summary: Rob and Kenta realize while their powers are different, the side effects are the same.
Date: May 26, 2009
Log Title Side Effects
Rating: PG
Xavier Mansion - Kitchen
This kitchen was designed to feed large numbers of people, and looks it with its bright white walls and stainless steel appliances. The stove, refrigerator, and dishwasher are all larger than normal. There is an island with stools around it for people to sit and eat around along with a table for twelve by the windows in back. Along the wall is a hole in the wall looking into the dining room so food can be passed back and fourth. Anything you want to cook or eat in the kitchen you will find the food and supplies to do so.
Sitting at the table munching on a burger is the one known as Kenta, but there's something odd about him. Before, his body relied on Dark Force and it corsed through his body so now that he has a different energy power, Electricity, there are a few arcs that come off his body from where his scars are and behind the sunglasses he's wearing it seems like it's fairly bright as well. Who knows if Kenta can see again or not.
Wandering his way into the kitchen, the normally invisible Rob seems to be in a much less irritated mood these days. He's been at the school since getting attacked by the green thing, just patiently awaiting his meeting with the guy in charge of the school. Dressed in jeans and a t-shirt today, he's been putting his new illusion powers to good use. Shaved head, caramel colored skin, very fit…he's enjoying being visible again. Spotting Kenta, the man pauses. "Hey," he greets, wondering if the guy that finally got him to the school is still blind.
Looking up at Rob, the glow from the electricity is visible even under the lense. "Heya." He says in a friendly voice. He's not happy about the power swap but he's happy he can see again. He doesn't recognize Rob at all but the voice is slightly familar. "I'm Kenta by the way, the music teacher here. Are you a new teacher here as well?"
Rob moves to snag himself a bottle of water from the fridge before siting down. "Well, not yet. I'm hoping I will be, just have to wait for my chance to plead my case to the guy in charge," he says, shrugging. "I'm Rob…guy from the park. Yelled at the green thing," he adds.
"What the hell was that thing?" Kenta asks after swallowing a bite of his burger. "Most of that night is a blur honestly, once I got back here, I found a bottle of rum and I don't think I've been that drunk in a long time. I just hate not being able to see but lucky with…whatever this is, I can again."
Rob shrugs. "Pissed off snot sent out by someone with way too much time on their hands," he guesses. He frowns at the drinking, but lets it pass for now. "I was just pissed it took my powers but now whatever the hell it was making me invisible…"
Kenta shakes his head. "I really don't know. I seem to have electricity now but it's flowing through me the same way the Dark Force was. At least I can see though." Kenta offers though the number that's on his arm that was usually black with Dark Force is now showing via electricity. It's a really odd effect the electricity scars.
Kenta shakes his head. "I really don't know. I seem to have electricity now but it's flowing through me the same way the Dark Force was. At least I can see though." Kenta offers though the number that's on his arm that was usually black with Dark Force is now showing via electricity. It's a really odd effect the electricity scars. "Wait, what do you mean by invisible?" Rob's right there.
Rob peers curiously at the electricity, drinking his water. "So you've got some kinda…energy conduit powers then?" he asks. When the question gets asked of him, Rob sighs. He lets the illusion drop, becoming floating clothing once more. "I've been using a nice illusion I got from these new powers to be seen," he explains.
"So you're permantantly inivisible? And it didn't go away when your powers were stolen?" Kenta asks running a hand through his too long hair. "Yeah, I used to be a living portal, conduit to the Dark Force dimension but now, this is different. My eyes were dependant on Dark Force to see but I guess aslong as it's some time of energy I can see but..just with side effects."
Rob nods as he brings the illusion back up. "Yeah," he sighs and pauses to drink. "Dark Force? So tha's the shadowy stuff you were using," he says. "What side effects?"
The side effects are kind of obvious as his eyes are glowing under the sunglasses and as Kenta lifts his shades his eyes are glowing like a lightblub from the electricity with the occasional arc of lighting across the eye. "Yup, that's the shadowy stuff I was using and here's the side effect. You can't lie and say this is contacts."
Rob cringes from the brightness, blinking a few times. "Oh, stickin' out like a sore thumb. Yeah…guess that's a pain in the rear," he says. "How does that even work? Seeing with lightning?"
Kenta shrugs. "How does seeing with Dark Force work?" He says fiddling for a pack of cigarettes, he's not gonna smoke inside though. "I'm not sure how it works. Some result of being some extra-dimensions alien's science experiment."
Rob shrugs as well. "Hell if I know. Just finding out about that stuff today," he mutters. Eyebrows arch at the mention of being a science experiment. "YOu got nabbed by aliens?"
Kenta sighs and nods. "Yeah, some crazy aliens from another dimension and it's all fucked up from there." It's a long story that's hard to get into especially since it's a long ten year story. "So what kind of crazy powers did you end up getting?"
Rob nods slowly. "I just got nabbed by organized crime guys. Least I think they were mob," he shrugs. "Apparently I can make illusions…and read minds. Spent most of the day I got them trying to figure out how to shut out all the chatter," he says.
"Man, sounds like a tough one, at least you got that taken care off." As Kenta hears the part about the organized crime guys he shakes his head. "That sucks man, well how about you and me hit a bar sometime and chat more about shit, but for no, I need to grab a quick smoke before getting to my next class. I teach music." He says with a smile. "Nice meetin ya Rob."
Rob smiles slightly and nods. "Sounds good to me. Might be good to learn where all the best bars in the area are," he muses. "See ya Kenta," he offers a wave as the Music Teacher goes.