Specialized Suits - Space Travel, Deep-Sea Diving, Stealth, War Machine, Hulkbuster, High Gravity. Older versions of the Iron Man armor are kept for research or nostalgia; no longer in use.
Misc - Special briefcase that carries the memory metal armor. Mutli-Billionaire Income, access to government organizations such as S.H.I.E.L.D.,the US Military, and support from the Avengers. All of Stark Technology and its holdings around the world including laboratories and the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier. Private Jet, the Sub-Orbital Jet and what is known as the mobile repair facility which is a rather large remodeled military cargo plane. Owns 33 cars spread throughout the world including several race cars, prototype StarkTech vehicles and two flying cars(Ferrari and Panther). Owns several yachts as well.

Industrial Genius - Tony is a mechanical engineering genius. He creates new technology and is always improving upon existing tech. Able to fix almost anything mechanical including alien tech. He is a rival of Reed Richards, Hank Pym, and Bruce Banner. He holds advanced degrees in Physics and Engineering from MIT.
Expert Businessman - He is well respected in the business world. Tony has built several multimillion dollar companies and is also very environmentally responsible. He seeks to advance technology in such a way that those living on Earth do not destroy it.
Expert Tactician - Able to quickly formulate strategies and new plans should situations change.
Skilled Combatant - Trained in unarmed combat by Captain America, Happy Hogan and James Rhodes. He is able to combine the military fighting style with a form of street fighting martial art to be a deadly close combat fighter.
Indomitable Will - Tony possesses an Iron will. He has survived multiple bouts with alcoholism, survived various torture techniques and never gives up in difficult situations often emerging from a defeat stronger. Ex: Having been attacked by multiple targets when not in armor and suffering from internal injuries he assembles the suit then takes on the Mandarin.

Created by Dr. Maya Hansen, the Extremis virus is a super-soldier serum and a bio-electronics package fitted into nanotubes and suspended in a carrier fluid. Injected into Stark Extremis acted as a biological re-compiler. It hacked the body’s repair center and rewrote how the body should be put together then used that repair center to go about restructuring Tony. The dose given to Tony was a hybrid of Hansen's design and the alterations that Tony made without her knowledge. In later issues of IIM the Mandarin points out that Extremis is 97.5% fatal to humans though Stark is one of the few with the obscure genetic trait that allowed him to survive the process.
There are two key parts to the Extremis-enhanced suit. The first being the golden Undersheath, which is the protective interface between Stark’s nervous system and the second part, the external plating. The Undersheath is super compressed and stored in the hollows of Stark’s bones. The sheath material exits through skeletal pores and slides between all cells to self-assemble over him. This skin provides a complete interface to the Iron Man suit components and can perform numerous other functions. The External Suit the red armor plates, were made via mega-nano technology, that allow for the plates to be collapsible to very small volumes for easy storage and carried in Stark’s briefcase. Armoring-up is done by drawing the suit to Stark via a vectored repulsor field.
Interesting suit facts: Both gauntlets have atomic-force microscopes installed in the thumbs and index fingers that are capable of seeing to the nano scale. Because of the bio-interface between Tony and the armor, he can utilize the suit to its fullest potential and also instantly access computers and any digital system worldwide at the speed of thought. He is biologically integrated with his armor imbuing him with super strength, a healing factor, and increased agility on top of the technical aspect. He channels and processes data, emergency signals, and satellite reconnaissance from every law enforcement, military, and intelligence service in the world—in his head. He can send electronic signals and make phone calls with his mind. He can see through satellites. Plus he has the ability to transmit whatever he sees to other people’s display screens.
Direct Cybernetic Interface - Extremis(nanotech alteration) He has direct control over communication devices, scanning equipment, and recording devices. Examples of everyday things he can control: Cell phones, Satellites, and Computers. If you've got tech in you or are entirely made of tech, he is capable of controlling the tech unless stopped.
Improved Responses - The armors OS is directly connected to Starks nervous system making the response times between himself and the gear much better than when he had to use an AI.
Superhuman Strength - Capable of lifting 50 tons while wearing the armor. Sans armor he is capable of weightlifting 400 pounds.
Superhuman Reflexes - The Extremis armor grants him superhuman reflexes and speed. Nowhere near as agile as someone like Spiderman nor as quick as Quicksilver. He merely has better reflexes and quickness that a human is incapable of.
Regenerative Systems - While in suit he is capable of repairing the inner armor layer. At all times he has a healing factor that is granted by the Extremis. Superficial damage erases in seconds, bone breaks in minutes, life threatening injuries can take more than 24 hours to repair. The process drains his energy and if severe enough he will appear to be in a comatose state. The armor itself can heal in combat and out of combat at varying rates of speed.
Flight - The armor can reach speeds in excess of Mach8. There are no problems with hovering, turning on a dime, or being able to plain on his back as there used to be in the older suits but this is no longer an issue.
Power Cells - The suit is powered by a combination of solar converters, electrical batteries, and on-board generators that use beta particle absorption as a fuel source (Outside of the RT). The armor uses nearby energy sources such as heat and kinetic energy to convert to electricity. The Generators can also drain electrical energy directly into the batteries to recharge.
Self Contained Life Support and Environmental Protection - The armor can be completely sealed for operating in a vacuum or underwater, providing its own life support and is able to shield against radiation.
Lasers - Able to cut through nearly all metals but unable to cut through adamantium. Not meant to be used for extended periods of time.
Pulse Bolts - Powerful plasma discharges that appear like softball sized glowing energy. These balls of plasma energy pick up on kinetic energy as they travel towards a target so the farther they travel the harder they hit.

Force-fields - There are several uses of force-fields with the armor. One way of using them is to create a bubble around him that allows for stealth(which is an energy shield in a 360 around IM that can extend up to five feet.) Another are the vectored repulsor fields that allow him to summon and manipulate the exterior armor pieces.
There is also a force-field in play within the suit that contributes to preserving the structural integrity of the armor even after it has been damaged as well as contributing some energy to the armor's energy cells. This particular field could also polarize the armor to either attract or repulse items affected by magnetism. Between this and the reactor tech this means Iron Man can create and manipulate magnetic fields.
Repulsor Rays - The armors primary energy weapon. They are a particle beam weapon in the gauntlets. The gauntlets can repel physical and energy based attacks that can be narrow or wide in range. The output from the repulsors can reach a maximum of 75 tons of force.
Unibeam - Mounted in the chest of the suit it acts as a variable intensity light source that can be used as a spotlight, laser, tractor beam, and ultraviolet light beam. The hardware is directly linked to energy-based packs in the armor and is capable of firing highly concentrated repulsor blasts. It is the most powerful of the repulsor based weapons in the suit but also consumes the most energy. The beam can output over 100tons of force and considerably more if other power sources are drained to boost the power.
Scanning Abilities and Sensors - Radar, Acoustic, Thermal, Seismic, Combex/Sonar, SMO, MRI, Infared, Fluroscopic, Telephoto, Medical (Bio)
Sonic Emitter- A sonic emitter is housed in the armor itself which is capable of broadcasting alternating high frequency sound waves.
Standard - Micro munitions. As a note all energy blasts are concussive. Fire Retardant foam is housed in the fingers of each gauntlet to put out fires. The armor also houses an EMP generator.

The most important thing to know about Tony Stark is that he hates himself. A lot and for various reasons, beginning with survivor’s guilt and ending with alcoholism and years of chronic depression. Tony is very driven, and committed to causes. He has developed environmentally friendly energy sources and ways to increase healthy crops due to his desire to help people. Helping others can be a flaw as he can and does bend over backward to help people. He is also arrogant, stubborn and conflicted. When he sets his mind to something he rarely budges and will stick with it till the end. He will also manipulate others in ways that he sees fit as it is for their own good. There have been numerous times where Tony has been placed in a situation that he must sacrifice something he cares about deeply. This causes him to become more withdrawn from others and he channels his feelings into his work. It is well known that he would rather be knee deep in his workshop working for days on end powered by caffeine and energy drinks.
Tony is a recovering alcoholic and has struggled with alcoholism for well over a decade nearly two. he is also a workaholic and will drive himself into exhaustion if not stopped. Due to his kidnapping during Desert Storm, subsequent attempts on his life and his general over active lifestyle, he experiences bouts of insomnia, panic and nervous anxiety. At one point Tony did attempt to commit suicide by trying to drink himself to death.
His personal relationships are always strained due to how he handles his life. Romantic entanglements tend to end badly for all parties. The playboy lifestyle was created as a cover early on and he maintained it for years. He craves affection and seeks any form of it to assuage his loneliness. He is capable of being in monogamous relationships even though he struggles with opening himself up to his partner and balancing their relationship with his work. Iron Man and the Avengers always come before anything else.
Untested thus untreated conditions: ADHD, OCD, Anxiety, Depression and PTSD.

Not Known to anyone other than Stark in Game: The Extremis virus has side effects that cause Tony to experience paranoia, increased hostility, violent ideation, and a marked tendency toward social isolation and secretiveness. In Canon at this point Nick Fury is in possession of the information about Extremis so outside of Fury, Stark and the living scientist that is imprisoned that designed the virus there are no others aware of Extremis or its side effects.
This is a sampling of what Stark Industries has made over the years and is by no means everything.
Computers and Tech
Transistors and microcircuits.
Rocket sled
Various Rockets used for space exploration including several space shuttles
Life Model Decoys of himself and others
Light-bending Device installed in the car making the people within the vehicle invisible to those outside of the vehicle
Magnetic Memory Device
Security Scan - the forerunner of retinal and/or biometric scan
Sub-minature Reverser
Pre-programmed micromaniupulators - tools used to build the complex micro circuit sub assemblies
Multiple patents for aeronautic instruments and controls
The Avengers' Quinjets
Voice-activated elevator
The Avengers' Land Cruiser a hovercraft-like vehicle
Jet carts for transport on S.I.'s Long Island campus
Image projector holographic comm system
S-Matrix Theory Circuitry commercial application from armor
Holographic image-inducer
Holo-Communicator wristwatch
Micro-dryer can dry hair in seconds
Hearing-aid-size micro-cassette recorder
Running shoes equipped with health monitor probe
HUD Sunglasses - proved the ability to record all, take vitals, get readouts and also employs lie detection software.
Military Usage
Baseball bat sized grenade cannons.
Jet powered roller skates max 60mph.
Tracer Shells
Atomic Naval Cannons - Fire a nuke salvo 500 miles
Centrifugal force ray
Burp Gun- fires cartridges the size of 50 caliber machine gun bullets at a rate of 1k per min
Pocket sized disintegrator ray
A-12 Artillery Transports
Proton anti-armor gun
Mangler Missile - guidance system is sophisticated enough that it can attach itself to an enemy rocket, control it and destroy it if necessary.
One Man Mini Sub- can out run/flank torpedos
KX-59 Mark II Missile destruct system - antimissile cannon
Aero-tank - hovercraft/tank hybrid
Numerous intelligence systems for the U.S. Government
High level communications gear and automated security devices for the U.S. Government
Designed the security systems inside Mount Thunder (NORAD)
Anti ballistic Missiles
Heat seeking anti aircraft missiles
Napalm gel fragmentation grenades - shoulder fired
Memory extractor
V-TOL craft with integrated radar-bending stealth system
Attack Warning System for U.S. Dept. of Defense
Tech-foam -non-lethal security measure, when exposed to air, it becomes as hard as titanium to immobilize intruders
I-Copter combat chopper
Medical and Environmental
Enervator Ray - experimental medical device
Atomic Earth Borer
Flesh healing serum - closes wounds in two seconds with synthetic liquid tissue
Stark Satellite One
Atomic Piledriver- a machine capable of pounding thru mountains
Weather Sat
Quantum IX - manned orbiting space lab
Micropower cell- commercial version of IM's internal energy storage cells
Developed an electro-therapy technique to helped crippled people
Jupiter Landing Vehicle
Electrosthetic conductor an alternative to conventional anesthetics it uses sound waves to calm the body's electronic impulses
Sonic borer a low-heat new drilling method for deep sea drilling rigs
Energizer link the revolutionary main component of the sonic borer
Mechanical Mole drilling rig capable of boring its own tunnels
Anti-Freeze Pills aid in arctic exploration
Cosmitronic cannon takes cosmic rays found in the atmosphere and harnesses them for a variety of uses.
Computerized fire-fighting system
Anti-grav mobility unit a $2 Million anti-grav wheelchair - Why? Because he needed it.
Ad Astra the first privately funded space station
Main Plant - Flushings, Queens: A two square mile, multibillion dollar complex, on the shore of Long Island Sound that features extensive research and manufacturing facilities and the vast corporate offices that make up the backbone of S.I. First Appeared: Tales of Suspense #40
Westchester Facility - Westchester, NY: Proving ground for many of Stark's military designs. Facilities include a large wind-tunnel. First Appeared: Tales of Suspense #42
Missile Launch Facility - Long Island, NY : Missile Launch site located on the tip of Long Island. First appeared: Tales of Suspense #42 and again in Iron Man 51
Stark Electric Plant - Queens : Site of a battle between Spiderman and Electro. First Appeared: Amazing Spiderman Annual #1
Washington DC – Small cottage and garage on the outskirts of Washington DC. First Appeared: Tales of Suspense #47.
Manhattan Penthouse - Otherwise known as the 93rd floor of the Stark Towers. First appeared: Tales of suspense #51 as a luxurious penthouse suite.
Long Island Private Estate – Seaside home in Long Island, NY. First Appeared: Tales of Suspense #61
Retreat Home - Malibu, CA: Cliff side home.
Smart House - Evergreen Island Seattle, WA- Very heavily fortified home. Appeared first in IM Vol 3 #11
Villa Mi Casa - Caribbean Island home. First Appeared: Iron Man #141
Area 51 - Seriously, owned by Stark. It's in an Avenger Comic, #10.
Frequently Visited Locations None of the various secret locations listed as he has bunkers all across the world.)due to properties where either there is a Stark building, laboratory, or subsidiary-
Detroit, MI – Specifically Aerospace
Cincinnati and Cleveland, OH
San Diego, CA
Chula Vista, CA – Rapid Transit Machinery
Ventura, Ca – The Works
San Fransisco and nearby Marin County
Meridian Island, South Atlantic Ocean
Nuke U in Southern California
Geothermal Institute in Mojave Desert
Citrusville, FL- Omegaville, a solar powered town
Miami, FL
Dallas, TX
Houston, TX – A refinery
Monaco, France
Venice, Italy
Dubai, India- Has a home here.
Tokyo, Japan
London, England
German Division based out of Berlin
French Division based out of Paris
Chinese Division based out of Hong Kong
Moscow- Lenigradsky Prospekt
Lakani Island in the Pacific
Manila, Philippines
Deep Stark One, Pacific Ocean
Arctic Bunker
The Stark Tower Complex was built as a world-class financial and business facility to complement Midtown Manhattan's business district. The trio of buildings are located in the vicinity of Manhattan's Columbus Circle approximately 10 blocks north of the Baxter Building, headquarters of the superhero team the Fantastic Four.
The Tower is comprised of some of the most advanced technology in the world and is built with nigh indestructible materials. Every wall both interior and exterior is made of Vibranium reinforced concrete, the windows too are virtually indestructible. Featuring numerous high-tech security, surveillance, and training devices as well. Aside from lavish living quarters the main tower has technical and medical labs, and houses an armory. The top three floors were originally designed as Stark's personal home, however, they were later turned into a headquarters for the Avengers and leaving space for a residence. The 92nd floor is an HQ useable by the Avengers as a war room with a 360 degree view of the city. 93rd Floor is Stark's Personal Residence. The 94th floor is a roof garden with a landing pad.